Tagged: Project Camelot

A Message From Duncan O’Finioan – Very Important!

Re-posted from FaceBook with permission. No words or commentary of my own are included.

Well, Mikey. A.k.a Michael Hemmingson, a.k.a. Former whitehat, a.k.a. All personalities of the Idylwild group, a.k.a. Dr. Hemmingson, a.k.a. Somebody’s little bitch. Lets address the Dr. Hemmingson first. Or as you say now, PhD. Oh hoora. My grandfather had a name for people like you, he called them “educated fools.” You have a PhD, I could give a shit. In cultural anthropology, I guess that gives you a real insight in how to play multiple people online. Well, Dr., all I got is a GED, and a kick ass give em hell attitude. After reading all of your posts, on my friend, Randy Maughans, and listening to your endless drivel on your last show of December the 12th of this year, you are more pathetic than I ever thought possible. You stated during your radio show about you, that you pay the upkeep of three separate apartments, the expenses of all three, your child, and your baby’s mama, your words not mine. One thing I know, poor finances makes you easy pickings to do someone else’s bidding. Michael, you have been busted so many times that I’ve lost count. Your ISP addresses from San Diego and Mexico all match up, not only to the post that you have done on the blog of Randy Maughans, but also to the most vulgar, vile, threatening emails that you sent to me, my blog, and my website. In many of those emails, you not only threatened me, (in your dreams pissant) you threatened family, and loved ones. That is a big no no. Doofus. All of which I assure you, have been copied, printed, and sent to many, MANY others. You will not get away with your bullshit, Dr., Mr. Educated Idiot, Mr. Whitehat, somebody’s little bitch.

Michael, you have falsely accused me over the past several months of being involved in some extremely heinous acts that have gone on throughout this country. One being the Aurora Colorado shooting incident. A lie, Michael. Punishable in court. The temple shooting in Wisconsin, again a lie. Punishable in court. And several others. However, not even I thought that You could stoop any lower than your comment that you sent to Randy Maughans today. In your “roundabout ways” you have pointed the finger at myself and others from these damnable MKA ULTRA mind control programs, to the mass knifing in china and the shooting incident in the state of Connecticut today (December 14th, 2012). I guess what some peoplesay is true, some just have no shame. You are total scum. You jackwagon little stack of shit.

A long time ago, I swore an oath to protect mankind. The human race, and the innocent in general. Michael, here is where it becomes very complicated. You are not innocent. Nor is anyone complacent within your group, nor is anyone innocent who could support you. Nor is anyone that could work with you, knowing what you have done, what you have written, the things you have said etc etc. They are just as evil as you. Justice will come upon you, Michael and all those that you either serve, or take orders from. Whether it be O.N.I, Kerry Cassidy, or anyone else. As an aside, tell me Kerry Cassidy, (I know you are reading this) do you still think all of this is just funny? Do you still think “former whitehat” is funny”? There is nothing funny about this bullshit. There’s nothing funny about degrading innocent people. There’s nothing funny about slandering, there’s nothing funny about slandering and intentionally causing pain to others. Kerry, you who said long ago when you sold out, and you now exactly what I’m talking about. When you did the David Wilcock, Jack Burns, poor David being threatened radio show, that was the last straw from me as far as you are concerned. When will you tell the truth? That the third party on that interview, that so many people out there in your listening universe thought was in a space craft millions and millions of miles away was actually jack burns sitting most likely Australia. When will you admit that that was nothing but a dog and pony show? And then after that, you have the audacity to begin asking people that you interview what they think about me. Just because I rarely ever comment about anything does not mean I don’t listen. I speed read, I speed listen, and I have a photographic memory. I see words, and I forget nothing. And I forgive very damn little. This bullshit of the former Whitehat and of the Idylwild group, Kerry Cassidy, Michel Hemmingson, David Wilcock, Sean David Morton, Richard C. Hoagland, ends now. Either you people come clean about it, and end it, or by the gods, I will. Kerry, you know me. You know who I really am, you know why I’m really here, and you full well what I am really, truly capable of. I will end this charade. Too many lives are at stake, the very future of the human race is at stake. Not this group’s pathetic needs or wants. Michael Hemmingson, you have done nothing but misdirect any accusation made against you. You try to say that the Kerry Cassidy show is second only to coast to coast am, then answer me one question: why the fuck is she only on revolution radio? And the same goes for you, and the same goes for Sean David Morton, and by the way Sean, how’d it feel to be told to shut the hell up on stage? Bet you’ve never had that happen before. This, all of this, ends now. Now you guys can go and do your interviews, your radio shows, piss, bitch, whine, cry and moan about people attacking you, wanting to get you down. Just wanting to hold you back. Two words for each of you: horseshit. Each and every one of you had quoted there’s more at stake here, you’re damn right there’s more at stake here. Because in the scheme of things, and read very carefully Michel, in the whole scheme of things none of you are important. End this, fix this, make it truthful, or I will.

Please click the archery video to activate

Michael Hemmingson is Former White Hat & Louis Kahn Nin – Period!

Khris Speaks


This blog post will be lengthy and may tax your patience. I will tie Former White Hat, Louis Khan Nin and Michael Hemmingson into one abso-fracking-lutely combustible fire-storm before the time you finish this blog post. I’ll examine the relationship Former White Hat has with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. Then, I’ll examine a potential connection Michael Hemmingson has with the Super-Soldier Summit. I’ll ask the reader to examine why information from my personal emails and phone calls find their way onto the Former White Hat’s blog. Next, I’ll examine how Michael Hemmingson, from Revolution Radio, interviews whistle blowers and dis-closers and then defames and attempts to discredit them on his blog as Former White Hat. I’ll prove to the readers using Michael Hemmingson’s own words, how he likes to set up WordPress blogs to ‘slam’ people. Finally, I’ll examine the potential relationship Mr. Michael Hemmingson has with military-intelligence agencies and finally, The Temple Set, a satanic organization. We’ll take a look at the Idyllwild and Thomas Pynchon connections too.

Based on my investigation into Former White Hat aka Michael Hemmingson, the questions which need answered are:

1. Why would Michael Hemmingson interview conspiracy dis-closers and whistle blowers on Revolutio Radio and then write humiliating and libelous posts about them on his Former White Hat blog? Is this not a CIA trojan-horse tactic; pretend to respect the whistle blower, then trash them behind their backs to discredit them.

2. Why would Revolutio Radio allow Michael Hemmingson to interview whistle blowers on their network and them humiliate and libel the same people on his Former White Hat blog? Does Revolution Radio know Michael Hemmingson is trashing their own interview-ees and dis-closers? Will Michael Hemmingson still be hosting Revolution Radio when the network learns of his deception?

3. Why does Kerry Cassidy constantly give shout-outs to Former White Hat aka Michael Hemmingson? Kerry knows Former White Hat is Michael Hemmingson, so why would Kerry allow Michael to sub for her on Revolution Radio radio if he’s going to trash her and Camelot’s whistle blowers? What connection does Project Camelot have to Michael Hemmingson? Why does Kerry Cassidy interview former insiders and whistle blowers on Project Camelot and then laugh about the libelous filth and trash Michael writes about the people she interviews? Why would Kerry allow this?

4. On several occassions, information from my personal phone calls and emails have been portrayed on the Former White Hat blog. What connection does Michael Hemmingson have to the CIA and or military-intelligence agencies to disclose information from my private phone calls? Michael Hemmingson, how does information from private conversations at a friend’s house, a house I know to be “bugged”, a friend who’s family worked for intelligence agencies at Groom Lake, end up on your blog? We pulled the batteries from our cell phones and still multiple conversations between us have been portrayed in pictures and words on your Former White Hat blog? How does information from an email about Chuck Norris, an email I wish I never received, an email I never shared with anybody, find its way onto your Former White Hat blog?

5. What connection does Michael Hemmingson have to Lorien Fenton, the producer of the Super-Soldier Summit? Michael Hemmingson and Lorien Fenton were both supposed to be at The Alchemy Event 2012. Like Michael Hemmingson and Kerry Cassidy, Lorien Fenton has a show on Revolution Radio too. Lorien and Michael were just on a show together in November. Michael has interviewed some of the Super Soldiers from the Super-Soldier Summit as well as others who didn’t attend the summit. Does Lorien Fenton know Michael Hemmingson has tried to discredit the people she invited to the Super-Soldier Summit with his Former White Hat blog? Does she care? Is Lorien an unsuspecting bystander in this twisted game of Michael’s mind?

Note: I’m not attempting an indictment on Kerry Cassidy, Lorien Fenton, or Revolution Radio. I’m trying to get some answers. It is the mission of this objective investigator to get answers to the aforementioned questions.

Michael Hemmingson and Lorien Fenton were at The Alchemy Event 2012 in IRVINE California. I got a message on my blog from the Idyllwildgroup today. I will show later in this post how Michael Hemmingson is behind the Idylwildgroup on WordPress. The Idyllwild comment came from an I.P. address which traced back to Irvine California. How perfect, Michael was in Irvine, California for the Alchemy event, not in San Diego where he lives and his I.P. address usually traces back to.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

[click this screen capture for better viewing]

This screen capture is from Michael Hemmingson’s Facebook. Michael posted this comment in the “about” section of his Facebook page on March 6, 2012. With no coincidences even possible, that is the first day the Former White Hat blog came online. Michael Hemmingson is Former White Hat.

I will post three screen captures of Kerry Cassidy giving props and in some cases a direct link to Michael Hemmingson’s Former White Hat blog. Why does she support the guy trashing and discrediting her own Project Camelot? Can you figure it all out? Does she have a choice? Has Project Camelot been ‘pinched’ by the intelligence agencies?

Kerry says FWH (Former White Hat) Spoofs with A PURPOSE IN MIND. This means she has to know who Former White Has is in order to know he is spoofing with specific intention. Former White Hat is Michael Hemmingson.

These purple screen captures are courtesy of Off Planet Radio. They are both from Kerry Cassidy’s blog. She finds FWH amusing? Why?

Michael Hemmingson

First, let’s look at Michael Hemmingson’s wiki-bio which can be found at: http://www.thefullwiki.org/Michael_Hemmingson . Michael Hemmingson’s own bio says he writes under the pseudonym Louis Kahn Nin.

As an independent scholar, Hemmingson has written the meditation, Gordon Lish and His Influence on Twentieth Century American Literature (Routledge), a short TV studies monograph on Star Trek (Wayne State Univ. Press), and an ethnographic research project, Zona Norte (Cambridge Scholars).

He is working on a biography of Raymond Carver, set for publication in 2011 by McFarland and Co.

Known pseudonyms

  • Louis Kahn Nin
  • Gabriel Kellgren
  • Kelly Greene
  • John Shade (director of adult films)
  • Hemmingson most likely has published genre work under other names, not known at this time.

I want to add Loose Cannon to the above pseudonyms. You will learn Michael Hemmingson is known as the loose cannon. It should be mentioned, both of his satire blogs, Louis Kahn Nin and Former White Hat call themselves  “loose cannons.”

Here is a link to an interview Michael Hemmingson was part of. He admits writing erotica under different pseudonyms. Here is a portion of the interview:

“Now, all the smut I do is under half a dozen pen names; the only ones under my name are ebook reprints of the Blue Moons. Simply for money, so I have buffer time to work on other things, like a spec screenplay or this Big Novel I have been working on for more than two years, or my memoir of being a wire news service journalist in Tijuana, reporting on the drug cartels and having a baby down there with a woman much younger than me.  The past few years it has been good money, mostly in ebooks, but that has started to taper down after Amazon began to ban and censor books with “certain” taboo themes—made no sense, they took down titles of mine that were moving hundreds of copies a month.”

Again, a screen capture from Amazon.com reveals Michael’s own smut books by his name and his pen names. His list starts with Louis Kahn Nin, then Michael Hemmingson and finishes with books he authored as Dr. Hemmingson.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This screen capture show Michael Hemmingson as a Ph.D.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Next, let’s take a look into Michael Hemmingson’s past. Read the comment below, dated 2009, for further details. In this screen shot Michael writes: “I like to make fake WordPress blogs to slam people — WordPress has the best indexing with Google.”  His current fake WordPress accounts are: http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com and http://theidylwildgroup.wordpress.com and http://louiskahnnin.wordpress.com .

Michael constantly brags about his old nickname, “Loose Cannon.” Louis Kahn Nin and Former White Hat both claim to be “loose cannons.” In this post, Former White Hat shows an image he often uses for his pseudonym Loius Kahn Nin. Former White Hat claims to be known as the “Loose Cannon” in the agency. Here is a link to all the “Loose Cannon” posts by the Former White Hat.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Another screen capture of Michael claiming to be the evil “loose cannon” and more comments of setting up fake YouTube and FaceBook accounts.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This YouTube video will tie Former White Hat to Louis Kahn Nin. From there, I can tie Louis Kahn Nin to Michael Hemmingson.

[click this image to activate video]

Here are two more screen captures from LKN :  One Says, “I am a loose cannon!” This is one of Michael Hemmingson’s favorite quips about himself. Former White Hat as well as Louis Kahn Nin, both pseudonyms of Michael Hemmingson, can be net searched and both of these pseudonyms are self-proclaimed ‘loose cannons’. The picture is taking form and substance, is it not? Here is another link to a WordPress blog catching Michael Hemmingson in the act. This is very well done.

[click the screen capture below to enlarge]

Milab Whore, written by none other than Louis Kahn Nin aka Michael Hemmingson. Why would Michael write smut about the same people he goes to conventions to meet and interviews on the radio? It’s called a pysop, mind control and deception.

Let’s explore the potential connection Michael Hemmingson has to the Temple of Set, a satanic church known to have ties to the Illuminati and the CIA and military intelligence agencies. The Temple Set has regularly been accused of being part of MK Ultra and sexual abuse of children. Michael has co-authored a book with Don Webb, former Grand Master of the Temple of Set. This Amazon link will show the photo of the book which Michael Hemmingson co-authored with Don Webb. On Michael Hemmingson’s wikipedia page, you will see a mention of Don Webb  and on Don Webb’s wikipedia page, you will see a mention of Michael Hemmingson. Peas in a pod?

This is the part where I have to remind the reader, Michael Hemmingson as Former White Hat, does blog posts based on information from my personal email and phone calls. What connection does Michael Hemmingson have to the CIA or military intelligence to get the information to post on the Former White Hat blog?

Below is Michael Hemmingson writing about Don Webb, the former Grand Master of The Temple Set.. He speaks about Webb being a Setian, referring to the Temple of Set.  Don was asking Michael to remove info as Don was trying to get a job at a school. Here is the link to the post.

In this screen capture, Michael says he enjoys being “Louis” referring to Louis Kahn Nin.

This screen shot is from Michael Hemmingson’s Facebook. He wrote about having gone “left” instead of right. Satanism is referred to as “The Left Path.”

Don Webb on the right

Michael co-authored a book with Don Webb

YouTube videos revealing the connection to Temple of Set, a satanic church, mind control, CIA and military intelligence. Click the photos below.

Michael Hemmingson talks about Luciferianism, Levay and Crowley on his radio show. It was recorded on 11/07/2012. Michael’s Former White Hat blog has many posts on Levay and Crowley. The links to Crowley and Levay are below. Below is a video except from that show where he discusses Crowley and Levay. Levay had connections to the Temple of Set.

Former White Hat blog links about Crowley and Levay

Levay  Crowley1 Crowley2 CrowleyAll

[click this image to activate video]

The  Former White Hat says he formed the Idylwildgroup. Here’s a link to his post: http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/the-idyllwild-group .

Below is an excerpt from the link above. Notice Former White Hat states, the 7 Idylwildgroup members are his proteges and he’s “one loose cannon.” Again with the loose cannon.


The Idyllwild Group!

by Former White Hat

It has become apparent to me that after I leave to Hope and then 5D, there will still be much work here to do. My mission will be complete and I cannot remain, nor do I really want to. I have other matters to attend to.

I have decided to form a team that will continue what I have been doing. I call this team The Idyllwild Group, consisting of Plejaran sub-commanders Nellet and Olein, Jgaptel from Zeta Reticuli (a gray), Chenuha from Tau Ceti, Aaron McCollum and two other earth folk yet to be chosen. … … …They will answer only to Semjase, who will dispatch them on missions with or without approval of the Andromeda Council. They might be called rogue at times, without respect for the galactic chain of command, the seven protegé of one loose cannon.

The Idyllwild Group…they will get the job done, no matter what universe, no matter what timeline, no matter what may seem “impossible,” they make possible.

Please check out this screen capture about Michael Hemmingson and the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema. Now we know where he gets his ridiculous Idylwildgroup idea from. The capture even mentions San Diego, where Michael lives. Here are some links from the Former White Hat blog about the Idylwildgroup:

IdylWild1 IdylWild2 IdylWild3 IdylWild4 

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Two more screen shots will show the idwllwildgroup (Michael Hemmingson) leaving a comment my on Clandestine Rage blog. The I.P. trace for the Idyllwildgroup blog comes back San Diego. Where does Michael Hemmingson live? He lives in San Diego.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This next screen capture will show Former White Has is Louis Kahn Nin. One again he calls himself a “loose cannon” as usual. His I.P. address traces back to San Diego. This is where Michael Hemmingson lives.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Here is  Former White Hat or Louis Kahn Nin’s I.P. trace provided by whatsmyIP.org.

Here is another screen capture of Former White Hat. Michael forgets to log onto WordPress with his Former White Hat email. He exposed himself as Louis Kahn Nin. I’ve repeatedly proved Michael Hemmingson is Louis Kahn Nin. This clip is complete with his Louis Kahn Nin email (possibly fake email)  and another I.P. address tracing back to San Diego. He almost makes it too easy. Remember, Michael Hemmingson’s own wiki-bio and Amazon.com profile clearly state he writes as Louis Kahn Nin. From this screen shot, I can once again tie Former White Hat to Louis Kahn Nin to Michael Hemmingson.

The Thomas Pynchon connection is the next place I shall take the reader. Michael Hemmingson appears to have a great love of the literary style and methods of a man known as Thomas Pynchon. Michael writes book reviews drawing comparisons to Pynchon. The photo Michael uses for his Louis Kahn Nin pseudonym is of  young Thomas Pynchon. You can do a Google image search for Thomas Pynchon and find several images of this writer, including the photo Michael Hemmingson uses for his Louis Kahn Nin pseudonym. You can do a Google search for Michael Hemmingson + Pynchon and find many sites tagged with both names.

This is Thomas Pynchon.

 Thomas Pynchon. Does it look Familiar?

Yet another screen capture of yet another Michael Hemmingson blog on WordPress. Again, he uses the Thomas Pynchon photo for his avatar.

You can find these photos at Louis Kahn Nin’s Facebook. Remember, I’ve clearly shown you Michael Hemmingson is Louis Kahn Nin. The photos above are Louis Kahn Nin’s Facebook screen capture. The link is http://www.facebook.com/louis.kahnnin .

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Another round of screen captures show Michael Hemmingson’s book reviews which mention Pynchon. He even uses the phrase “loose cannon” in of the reviews.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This second review by Michael Hemmingson mentions Pynchon and he even uses his favorite phrase, “Loose Cannon” too.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Michael Hemmingson, Former White Hat, Louis Kahn Nin, Loose Cannon, it’s over. You aren’t getting out of this, you can’t. You got sloppy, Michael Hemmingson, very sloppy. I’m sure your intelligence handlers will have to take some action, won’t they Michael? You owe a lot of people an explanation and an apology. The picture has been drawn thoroughly. The connections are clear. Whatever military-intelligence agency is using you as a low-level minion should re-consider and drop you as an asset. You’ve been found out Michael Hemmingson and you can’t do anything about it. Michael Hemmingson, you ARE Former White Hat. Kerry Cassidy KNOWS you are Former White Hat. I’ll ask you once again, Michael Hemmingson, where did you get the information from my email accounts and phone calls you put on your Former White Hat blog?  You can no longer hide you are connected to the intelligence agencies, so you might as well just go away. Leave the MK Ultra survivors and dis-closers alone! Perhaps some of the former-government assassins etc. you’ve attempted, but failed to discredit, will come looking for you. I think they all have questions for you Michael Hemmingson. I’m not mad at you Michael, but enough is enough. I won’t come looking for you Michael, I promise. Michael, you are behind the Idyllwildgroup, the Former White Hat blog and you are Louis Kahn Nin. Michael, perhaps try doing something decent for a change. I hope the intelligence agencies don’t decide to eliminate you, Michael. We all know what happens when one of their own makes a mistake or become useless to them. The body counts add up fast, I know, I was programmed and trained since 5 years of age to eliminate people the intelligence agencies found sloppy, useless or a threat. Best wishes Michael and happy holidays.

P.S. Something tells me, you don’t know what a loose cannon really is.

Clandestine Rage.

Project Camelot – My Thoughts, Feelings & 2 Cents

Khris Speaks

Volume XL


I’ve spent the better part of a day trying to discern how I should go about this blog post because the subject matter weighs heavily on my conscience. The only way I know to write this post is to use my heart and be led by its merit. I received an email today I was not expecting. It read it a few times and I feel absolutely compelled to respond. My response will certainly cause a stir and potentially create more discord. Saying nothing at this point-in-time is absolutely not an option. Reading the email when I woke up today sent electrical impulses through my neck and shoulders followed by muscle spasms. That is what happens when I’m pissed off. I start to relive my torture in the government-sponsored black-projects. The person who sent the email is not to blame; the people mentioned in the email are to blame.

Last fall and winter, there was some tension between Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy) and some of the people she had interviewed from the government black projects I previously mentioned. There was an open and public exchange and it was hostile. In the months previous to the exchange, I had noticed something different about Project Camelot and the difference was not positive. I noticed the quality of those being interviewed had declined and the “whistleblowers” were blowing more smoke than truth. This is my opinion, but many other people hold my perspective on this. I felt something was wrong intuitively and in light of current events, I was not mistaken.

In December of 2011, I decided to remote view Project Camelot and see if I could discover what was percolating with the organization. I saw Kerry surrounded by dark shadow figures. The dark shadow figures were holding hands and surrounding her. I saw a black dot on her computer and her telephone. I can only interpret the black dots as the computer and phones being monitored. This is no surprise given the type of activities she is involved in. Next, I saw a man in an office on the phone with another man. I can only guess he was either military intelligence or from one of the alphabet agencies. The man on the phone definitely didn’t have Project Camelot’s best interests in mind. The intelligence agency man was talking to another person and they were corroborating together to persuade a person to come forward to be interviewed by Project Camelot. This type of situation is bound to happen when an organization interviews dozens of former insiders or “whistle blowers”, but I knew at the time I did the remote viewing the best of Project Camelot had come and gone.

Before I go off and become a bastard, I want to say something positive about Project Camelot. It was Project Camelot that I have to partially thank and offer credit for my own awakening to mind control and conscription as a child into MK Ultra. It was the interviews Project Camelot performed with Duncan O’Finioan, Dave Corso and the conference with Miranda Kelley that helped draw my memories of being in the government black projects to the surface. For this service Project Camelot rendered, I am grateful. With this being said, my ocean of gratitude is drying up and I’m pissed off.

Kerry Cassidy, your comments about Mr. Former White Hat are appalling. This low-rent, degenerate mad hatter has no right to be recognized by anybody, including you, due to his heinous insults levied against survivors of MK Ultra and its sub-projects. Any person(s) mentioning this Former White Hat personality should be doing it with disgust and contempt and not bringing intrigue to such a sinister being. You interview black project survivors to bring public knowledge about the dark forces and their hideous acts against children and all mankind and then you give recognition and thus power to a man that uses words as a weapon to humiliate the same people. Instead of mentioning him and saying he does his spoofs with a purpose in mind, why not publicly denounce this individual and use your resources to dis-empower him?

What did Sarah Stanga do to deserve the humiliating writings and public taunting/stalking the Former White Hat personality has levied against her? Let me tell you what she did. She was born! She was born with specific genetics the dark forces used for their own selfish gain. She did nothing to this beast Mad Hatter and she does not deserve to be treated like he has treated her. I’m certain that three years ago, you would have found this nonsense unacceptable. In my not-so-humble opinion, I think you are quasi sanctioning the conduct of the cockroach known as Mr. Former Mad Hatter with your own blog. There are many other people like Sarah Stanga who’ve been through hell and back simply because of the blood line they were born into. Camelot was once a voice and outlet for people who were victims and survivors of government sponsored torture and other terrors. It appears Camelot is now selling the same people out wholesale for shits-and-giggles.

It’s ironic what Duncan said about being programmed and mind controlled in his response to the current bullshit today. Earlier today, I was thinking exactly along the same lines. I remembered before you tossed Bill Wood into the Project Camelot scrap heap what you said. You said he was re-programmed. Well Kerry, it doesn’t actually work like that, but that’s OK. There is programming, Kerry and then there is being SPECIFICALLY programmed. You can look up what it means to be specifically programmed and I hope you do. I’m starting to think we are dealing with Monarch Kerry Cassidy. I sincerely hope you didn’t through go that Kerry, I really hope you didn’t. In my opinion, you are starting to act like a specifically programmed person. You seem to be doing what many of us have been programmed to do. You appear to be sabotaging your own work and efforts. It might sound strange to you, but self-sabotage is a very REAL symptom of being programmed. Take this ass chewin’ for what it’s worth and think about what you are saying and how you are treating the very people who helped you build Project Camelot by coming forward (at great risk to themselves) and giving testimony. Without your precious “whistleblowers”, you wouldn’t have Camelot.

You don’t need to respond to this blog post Kerry. I do not consider myself to be important, but I will defend and protect those who are survivors of the government sponsored black projects. I consider these people my family and I take it seriously. Kerry, if you do decide to respond, please respond personally. Do NOT send your clone to respond to me. After all,  Mr. Former White Hat has stated many times that clones lie, clones deceive and clones cannot be trusted.  How does it feel Kerry?



Here is the email I received and it’s the motivation behind the blog post you just read:

I hate this! I would rather crawl over crushed glass than continue this bullshit. Right now I have valuable people with great information and true creative healing to interview. Instead, the last 48 hours, while I have tried to stay offline, I have seen the churning negative energies of deception and manipulation rolling through cyberspace like a toilet ready to overflow. Whatever dark forces behind FWH, who want to continue this: let’s rock! Battle engaged. 

To the Fictious Entitiy know as KERRY CASSIDY D/B/A “PROJECT CAMELOT”, and your symbiotic operatives, FORMER WHITE HAT, wanna-be Tommy Hansen, and assorted trolls: 

You are caught in a matrix of your own making. Your deceptions and malignant actions will not be ignored, covered up, or benignly dismissed via clever semantics and ruses of “light worker” false flag activities. Go ahead and ignore me. I sought peace when it was not offered. I watched as innocent people were maligned, assaulted, and maliciously libeled while you, Fictious Entitiy know as KERRY CASSIDY D/B/A “PROJECT CAMELOT” smiled and bestowed your graces on a coward who  leaves messages on voicemail, and threatens to stalk myself and my friends, who assemble peaceably to facilitate healing, empowerment, and mutual love and honor amongst kindred souls. 

We are the Living. You are the DEAD, who operate in deception while professing yourselves as agents of light. You may have begun as being of our kind, but now you are separated and identified as Agents of Dissimulation. The masses may be fooled by your false personae, but the masses have never moved anything of importance. We are the few, we are the Ones who move the conversation. Your media outlet under cover of your handlers will fall away like the masks of the clowns you are. You have a choice. And very little time. Choose well. 

To the coward called “Former White Hat Operative”: the only thing you are “inside” is your own ass! Your puny un-manlike behaviors are the work of an under-developed juvenile with a small penis complex (assuming you ARE a male). There is nothing in any of your posts that indicates you possess any “insider” information. You are a troll, a “cut-and-paster”, and a ridiculous creation of the perverse system that spawns at-media psy-ops. That Kerry Cassidy finds you “harmless” is faint praise for all your efforts. That she finds your “spoofs” “purposeful” demonstrates her own complicity and a vile nature beyond contempt. 

No one needs more “information” from you. The planet is dying, the people have been deceived by their own “truth” movements, and the electronic media methods of the establishment have been well met by your ilk. We have identified you and you are now trapped by every word and movement. If anyone wants to call my voicemail with more threats, then by all means: “go for it”. Engage. But the limp penis tactics, and clever word-play have an end game and that time is near.

You have received this message because you are either part of the problem, or part of the solution, Your actions will determine your fates.

Randy Maugans- May 28, 2012

Articles and Commentary
The OffPlanet Blog 

I angusihed over this. I keep WANTING this to end. It seems the Universe desires to bring out some very ugly truths, and those truths keep asserting themselves via the actions and words of those caught in the matrix. It appears, from the Steve Beckow interview with Eva Moore, that Bill (Wood) Brockbrader is now under detention in Utah. I spoke with Eva a day after these events. Because our conversation was private, I did not release it, or any details publicly. I am sad that Bill was arrested—this serves the disinfo agents like William Silva and Don Shipley—for now.


I am equally saddened that Kerry Cassidy continues to use such events to serve HER ego, and that she ties into the conversation this pathetic, distorted entity who calls itself “Former White Hat Operative”. I tried to end this whole thread about Cassidy/Camelot TWICE. My good will was never met by Kerry or her operatives, who simply wish that I, my associates, and network would DRY UP and GO AWAY so she can maintain her perceived media dominance. I guess that makes her a Media Dominatrix! 
Let me be clear: the content of FWH’s website should make one nauseous. It is childish, amaturish, and contrived. There is no content anywhere that validates that this entity possesses anything but a cruel, sadistic temperament and enjoys the attention he get from his “mistress”. “It” is NOT an insider of anything but it’s own twisted mind. Hiding behind a fake personna enables “it” to operate anonymously, while slandering people who operate above board. AND (The Ficititious Entities D/B/A) KERRY CASSIDY AND PROJECT CAMELOTcompletely suport this effort. That should tell you all you need to know about this operation
I decided to post this article today after receiving the following from a listener (who will remain unnamed). I have received similar inquiries about these subjects, so it appears we need to continue the narrative, despite my promises, protests, and total disgust for the subjects at hand.
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:49 AM, XXXXXX  wrote:

This email was transmitted via exotica-radio.com.

Submitted from address XXXXXXXXXXX


Your Name: XXXXXX
Your Email: XXXXXXX
Subject: WTF?
Message: Randy, I’m just sending on these links…..there is something very odd going on you’ll probably want to catch up with!

I’ll be honest…I’m struggling to get my head round all this!. Maybe you can explain some of it to those of us who are not in on what the heck is going on?  Is all the good work all of you have done being fractured from the inside out by infiltrators?




Thanks for the questions. First, I fail to see how any of this “fractures” my work. First, the post from Cassidy is just more of her self-serving BS. She covers all her “stories” with statements like “my sources”…like she is some sort of intel hub. Her post is just a way of ass-covering her complete lack of information, and appearing to “know” when she is outside the loop. 

Second, while I was told by Eva in a Skype call that Bill was arrested, there were gaps at that time in the story AND I was not cleared to release the information. This does not mean I did not find Eva’s statements credible, she was under enormous emotional stress and the facts were unclear. Thus, my statements on the Michael Vara interview that I did not KNOW the status of Bill Wood. Despite having access to Bill, Eva, and other hosts on Wolf Spirit Radio, I do not actively engage this “network”, for the most part, other than when I am doing a show. Understand that even under the best conditions, any network of people are compromised by disinfo and/or rumors and personal biases.
Third, I was unaware of the Steve Beckow article/video for all the same reasons above. I watch these various media sources from a distance. I have no direct knowledge of what is discussed in the interview/article. Clearly, Eva chose to speak to Beckow on this, or Bill chose to speak through Eva on this through Beckow. What has been compromised is WSR, and this is by design of certain operatives. Again, this is why I do not engage even my own sources at times. (this may well be the “infiltrators” you speak of).
I will add this: Kerry Cassidy’s statements about FWH is VERY telling:

“Keep in mind FWH (Former White Hat) is spoofing this sector and does this with a purpose in mind.”

All you need to know is that Kerry supports this operative, she defends him, and she is responsible for his efforts to slander, impugn, and discredit people who are proven disclosers. People like Duncan O’Finioan, Miranda Kelly, Sarah Stanga, and even Aaron McCollum (who stepped over the line, but did come forward with valuable testimony). FWH is Kerry Cassidy’s hatchet man. This is also part of what I warned about in several of my articles about the so-called “alternative” media:

Consumers of media in the post-digital culture continually combat, to the point of fatigue, the torrents of biased viewpoints; even those of the absurdist bent, which by sheer volume distort the perceptual will. We are repeatedly subjected to elevated levels of hyperbole, irrational scenarios, and streams of non-sequitur. Images of words, cut-and-pasted, repeated, remixed, looped, and mashed-up in endless nuanced rethreads…”Controlled media” may be the inference, but it is merely the epithet spoken by those who traffic in a more subtle form of Jedi Mind Trick: the missing contextual inference of the “we” who speaks with knowing authority. Subliminal gang-stalking is the new methodology. Shadowy sources, half-spoken (written) references; the profiles of the social net—virtual egos that shift and recast themselves against an endless strobing backdrop.(from The Global Economic Opera: Hypnosis – March 10 2012)

Kerry Cassidy employs FWH to do her dirty work, as in the recent post: “the-maugans-interview-and-lies” (we are flattered in a perverse way that FWH spends so much time shadowing this reporter). 
Is this “spoofing”? Or is it organized stalking? Well it is lies (and no, I do NOT visit the FWH website and I will never post his URLs—his articles are sent to me for comment and I routinely refuse to dignify this clown).
Kerry has watched valuable “property” (i.e.-“Camelot whistleblowers”) slip away from her hands, as her methods and means became more obvious. This is a woman perfectly capable of holding two (or more) conflicting views in plain view—and her “loyal” audience never questions. This is the essence of mind control.
Example: while Kerry maintains an overlapping audience with Project Avalon and a continuing relationship with Bill Ryan (recall she brought him in on the original Bill Wood interview with David Wilcock), when Drake (incorrectly) cited a post on Avalon as “Camelot”, Kerry quickly disclaimed all connections with Ryan/Avalon. A most clever trick of the mind!
What is” fractured” is the attention span of listeners/readers/viewers (consumers) of “alternative media”. They have assume that everyone has good intentions; that everyone is on the same page, and that because certain outlets have aired “dangerous” information” they must be the good guys. Did it ever occur to the undiscriminating that they are being played? 

How many times do you hear the term “Alice In Wonderland” used directly, or indirectly to the subculture dealing with subjects such as “mind control”, UFOs, conspiracy theories, “whistleblowers”…etc.? Now pay closer attention to the interogatory…pay closer attention to HOW these subjects are fused to a suspension of judgement (McLuhan) or even a deliberate confusion to create a state of disassociative behavior.
Now you can better assess the collective electronic environment, and its effects on destabilizing coherent decision-making, assessment, and rational behavior. These devices flow perfectly in a mixed-media electronic environment and are cleverly used by agents to install cognitive dissonance via a state of internalized trance. 

The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee … The confusion technique is designed not only to obliterate the familiar but to replace it with the weird … Sometimes two or more questions are asked simultaneously. Pitch, tone, and volume of the interrogators’ voices are unrelated to the import of the questions. No pattern of questions and answers is permitted to develop, nor do the questions themselves relate logically to each other.  (from The Alice In Wonderland Trance State, March 11, 2012)

Understand this: Kerry Cassidy has repeatedly claimed that her interview techniques were designed to do exactly what the above information details. Cassidy employs techniques of cognitive dissonance, confusion technique, and media imposed pattern interuption. Moreover, she invokes as her “higher authority” the moniker “Project Camelot” to install a wider identification. Notice how she shifts seamlessly between the “I (Kerry Cassidy)” and “Camelot” as a type of Janus-like personification. She did this most recently in the post Definition Of  A Whitleblower:

The Project Camelot definition of a Whistleblower is “whistleblower from the Matrix”  that is, that in “a time of deceit it is a revolutionary act to tell the truth”… so by that definition anyone who tells the truth about what is really going on is a Camelot Whistleblower.

Since we all have the ability to access dictionaries, WHY was it necessary for Cassidy to frame “whistleblower” in the context of “Camelot”? Simple. It’s another Jedi mind trick used by Cassidy to appropriate the term, and thus define for herself/itself the boundaries of the term. THIS is the mindset and tactics of a CULT. Furthermore, Cassidy invokes in her defense of FWH an imaginary domain she calls “this sector”. May I point out there IS NO “SECTOR” from my viewpoint. This is the methodology of a classic handler/controller operating to commandeer a particular asset. 
The (truly) aware listeners/readers/viewer should understand that (The Ficititious Entities D/B/A) Kerry Cassidy, D/B/A Project Camelot, despite appearances, is a “sector”—a honeypot operation to entrap minds, contour their cognitive space, feed them fear, and maintain a control grid over dissent and critical thinking. Anyone who DARES rise up and challenge the preeminence of the grid becomes an enemy. Counter agents in the form of so-called “spoofers”, “comment writers”, and even her own webmaster, tommy Hansen, are deployed as “dirty bombs” to take out the opposing viewpoints. Hence: Kerry Cassidy OWNS FWH and all of his slanders, mud-slinging, and fictitious gobbledy-gook. 
I have repeatedly tried to end the fractiousness from dealing with this subject, and I keep getting pulled back into it like a cesspool. My work is solution-oriented—not fear-based, like Cassidy/Camelot. While there has been overlap in personalities and interview subjects, I do not do the same work as Kerry Cassidy, D/B/A Project Camelot. People have enough fear porn out there to feast upon. What I DO provide is genuine media criticism, based on decades in media and personal experience with mind control tactics used by the cabal/NWO agents. 
One can do “good work”, journalistically and be both deceived and a deceiver. These tactics are part and parcel of the media’s assault on the collective consciousness.
If, as some have opined, and Cassidy herself has asserted, she is a “lightworker”, where are the fruits? Camelot does not deal in healing, creating a safe environment, or inquiries and solutions into critical areas like free energy or alternative modalities for treating trauma. Camelot is a shitstem of constantly roiling negative feedback from the shadow worlds. And the people love it so!
To go back to the listener’s question: “Is all the good work all of you have done being fractured from the inside out by infiltrators?” 
If anything my points are being made daily by the reactions of the very agents who are losing their grip on a segment of what they think is “their” audience. I have predicted this would happen in a February , 2012 article. Gatekeepers and Handlers-Part 2:

Nearly instantaneous signalling, whether positive or negative, creates maximum effect. Do not believe that Project Camelot is not served by negative reactions—it is the negative which creates the critical updraft for such stories to oscillate through cyberspace. It is the perceptions of such disclosures that serve to build a significant movement to install larger and larger memes into the collective mindspace. At the collective level, these memes, or gestures result in the evolution of a culture, to borrow from Richard Dawkins’ memetic theorem.

In closing, do not be sidetracked by the static being amped into cyberspace. Choose that which serves the path to wholeness and well-being. The energetic of the present time is like a great wheel that shapes and hews the collective and individual souls. It’s your path, your consciousness, and you mind space that is being tested. Discern the mechanics in play: FWH is Kerry Cassidy’s mouthpiece to deal with people who have gone “rogue” from the programs to coalesce a group-think and harness the energies of change. It is black alchemy in play and she/it is a tool of the very media machine which they claim to oppose. 

Bill Wood Arrested May 14

By Scott| 1 video

Reply to: Reply to Randy Maugans

They are Watching Me! What does the Rothschild Family have to do with Me?

Khris Talks

Volume II


I went out to lunch like I usually do on Friday. A man sat in front of me in the next booth facing me. After about ten minutes, he mentioned I was left handed. I engaged him in some basic chat about being left handed and then he asked me if I live in the area and what I did for a living. I thought how unusual as I didn’t say anything to indicate I was from out of town. I told him I lived in town and I was self employed. He nodded. He started to speak about the economy and jobs. This led him to talk about the “progressives” like Obama and FDR. He then mentioned that certain people feel the need  to make important decisions for the people of Earth because they don’t feel like people can make the decisions for themselves. What he said next almost caused me to need a trip to the restroom. He mentioned the Rothschild family and said there are other families too. When he said other families, he looked to his left and laughed in his chest. It was like he didn’t dare say the name of the “other” families. He mentioned something about blue bloods and people with blue blood. I’ve heard the term before but was ignorant as to its meaning. After I got home today, I looked the term up and was surprised. At first, I tried to shrug it off as people are waking up and this is just normal talk nowadays. I eventually told him to have a good day and I paid and left.

A few moments later, I decided to go to the 7-Eleven as my neighbor has me buy her cigarettes there. I thought I would stop by and get them early before she asked me and avoid going out in the cold later. A man was in front of the store with a Pit Bull dog. I have seen this man around town on foot many times. He has military tattoos all over his body. I complimented his dog and he said thank you. He then said he wanted to get one of those dogs in the movie Rascals. I said, oh, you mean an English Bull Terrier? He said yes, one of those white dogs with the spot. I started to feel really awkward as I have been watching YouTube videos for a couple of weeks of people and their English Bull Terriers and I was watching them today also. I’ve been interested in that breed for a while. This was way creepy for me, so  I went in, got what I needed and when I walked out, he was still standing out there talking on his cell phone.

I can’t write both of these off as a coincidence. I just don’t know how he knew I would at the 7-Eleven at that time. Both of these things back-to-back caused me to go on high alert today. On the other hand, I don’t think I have enough information in my accessible memory to be dangerous, so I’m “out in left field” mentally tonight trying to process what happened today.