Category: Reptilians

Attacks & Protections

Khris Speaks

Volume LXIX


Many, many people, the world over, are under attacks from various sources. Energy attacks, psychic attacks, scalar and electronic, demonic, satellite attacks, the list goes on and on. People who are diamond shining lights, healers, survivors of MK-Ultra, spiritual people, people on the planet from “other” places, are all under attack. You can even be under attack and not realize it. Many people are experiencing fatigue and health problems as the attacks continue to get more sophisticated by the day. In order to combat this never-ending issue, we must acknowledge the attack immediately and then do something to stop it. If you have anger, resentment, irritation, suspicion and a myriad of other issues, crop-up out of nowhere, you must address these issues immediately. Allowing the attacks to build momentum is unacceptable. We must do spiritual reinforcements, several times-per-day if needed, to protect ourselves against attacks of any kind. Take a few minutes, go off into some quiet place and do some protection work for yourself and your home environment. Immediately, as you identify a problem, stop and address it. Do not let the attack fester and grow. Disallow the attack to become a monster for several hours or days. Many of these attacks are very, very subtle and creep in to our auras and minds while we sleep. Several months ago, I woke up very angry and irritated at people who were never anything but kind and pleasant towards me. This was a very subtle attack and once I realized what it was, I took aggressive action to stop it. I did some spiritual reinforcements and the attack was defeated. Don’t forget to use your essential oils, salt, silver and crystals. You can smudge too and the list of protections goes on infinitely. If a person is susceptible to attacks of any kind and they don’t apply adequate protections, they will just have to suffer. I don’t want anybody to suffer any more than they already have. Take your stance against the darkness; refuse to be a pin-cushion or a punching bag for the Illuminati and dark forces.  The decision is yours, the Illuminati and dark lords have made theirs, haven’t they?

Randy Maugans of, posted this article on the 18th of this month. It appears White Wolf and his circle of friends and family are all being attacked by energy too. Here is the link to the article:
