Tagged: MIB

A Short Discourse On Self-Termination Programming

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXVI


I’m going to discuss, briefly, a little about self-termination programming a programmed MK-Ultra military unit, often times referred to as a Super Soldier, will have surface from time-to-time. Self-termination programing is not like an ordinary urge to kill yourself; it’s an order. Did you get that beloved readers of this blog, IT’S AN ORDER! Remember what I’ve instructed people in the past; as an MK-Ultra programmee, you DON’T ASK QUESTIONS, YOU JUST FOLLOW ORDERS- Period! Self-termination orders, which surfaced for me a year ago, in November of 2011, were the most profound set of circumstances relating to my own health and mortality I’ve ever experienced. I was pacing, pacing, pacing; I was pacing up and down my hallway with a .45 ACP  pressed against the temple of my skull. Orders had surfaced and as my personality fractured, I was in for the fight of my life. It was time to end my life. I had no desire to terminate my life, I had to honor my programmers. Orders had surfaced and there was no way out; I had to discharge a round into my skull. If you’ve ever experienced this, you know how miserable and scary this experience can be. I don’t know what kept me alive, I was in a predicament. I literally needed to end my life because I was supposed to. Please know, programming is not merely suggestion; programming runs very, very deep into the psychology of a specifically-programmed person. My brain hemispheres seemed to split. I cannot state my perception is correct on this matter, but that is what I felt happened. One hemisphere was hell-bent to carry out the orders and was ready to discharge a bullet; the other side of my brain was certain it didn’t have to happen. After a struggle which lasted an hour, I was thrilled I was able to side-step the programming and put my gun down. The battle was over; the will to survive was able to override the programmed orders. I was one of the fortunate people who’ve had this kind of programming. Many people leave a gruesome mess for somebody else to clean up. As I stated in a previous post, many MK-Ultra survivors say self-termination programming, often referred to as “omega” programming under the Monarch system, is the most fallible programming an individual can receive. I can tell you the overwhelming need to honor my orders was so strong, I cannot relate to the reader how powerful and effective other levels of programming are and how deep the programming runs.

Happy New Year!


I Remember Corey Haim – Corey Was A Monarch

Khris Speaks




I have been torn for a few months as a series of new memories have been surfacing. Not all memories have been MK-Ultra related, but a portion have. I’ve been learning just how far I went into the ranks of the Illuminati and it’s been a little scary for me. I know I was used in military applications, ceremonies and rituals and for reproductive purposes, but I’m learning more each week, just how far-and-wide my experiences have gone. I’m currently in the process of revamping how I mention names on my blog. In the early days, I was not thinking clearly and threw names around with little care or concern about who read what I authored. Now, I’m definitely re-thinking my position on “outing” other MK-Ultra survivors and Monarchs. I am not done with my new policy, but It’s going to take shape in the days ahead. I’m not going to discuss people I remember unless they have passed-on on or are perpetrators of the heinous exploitation of children. Those who are survivors, known to the public or unknown, will not likely be mentioned on this blog to keep their privacy. This is a courtesy I feel I need to extend.  I’m concerned If I mention names too often, people will visit this blog for the wrong reasons;  I don’t want a tabloid type situation to arise, which has happened on other blogs of this nature. Everything mentioned on this blog is the truth as I best understand it. I will always put my best foot forward to disclose my life’s experiences as honorably as I can.

I am not going to mention the specific details of my memories of Corey Haim; I’m standing firm on this decision for personal reasons. I’ve struggled with this decision for weeks now. Once again, this testimony is being offered on a take-it or leave-it basis.  I am taking this opportunity to give him the credit and recognition Corey deserves. I am going to draw some flack over this, no doubt, but I feel compelled to follow my heart’s guidance.

The short post I started three days ago.

Once again, I’m so flustered, I don’t know which route to pursue in delivering this blog-post to my subscribers and to people in general. The subject matter, as always is painful and invokes extreme anger and anguish. As most people familiar with my blog know, I am a survivor of over 30 years of MK-Ultra. As a toddler, I endured torture, sexual abuse, programming and many other heinous acts levied against my small body and spirit. This didn’t end as a toddler. I’m not the only one, there are many, many others who were with me, before me and after me. Tonight, I will part the ether and speak on behalf of another individual who was conscripted into MK-Ultra. This young man passed-on in 2010. I want to tell the world tonight, as some already have, as an added emphasis to the testimony and research of others, Corey Haim was a Monarch and MK-Ultra survivor until his passing, two years ago. I have had more than one memory surface of this unique young man. Corey Haim was abused, programmed, chewed-up and spit-out by the Illuminati and their Hollywood cohorts and stooges. The Illuminati and their evil programmers will not get away with what they did to Corey Haim and many others if I have a say in it. Guess what? I do have a say in it. It’s a full moon tonight and I’m full of piss-and-vinegar. This full moon is giving me the forward impetus I need to draft this blog-post. After a few memories of Corey Haim surfaced – and trust me when I tell you it was no accident as to the timing of the memories; I am not going to let this opportunity go. I am a self-appointed advocate for the children of MK-Ultra, MK-Ultra survivors too afraid to speak and MK-Ultra inductees who’ve passed-on. You have my testimony for what it’s worth. You have scores of evidence in photos, movies and interviews to do your own study and draw your own conclusions about Corey Haim and his programming. Corey Haim and Corey Feldman did speak about some of the abuse they endured. To my knowledge, neither of the two have mentioned names for their own reasons. I respect their decision to remain silent.

There is a lot of evidence available, please open your eyes. This programming of children can be prevented. You first have to care, then find your own way to help.

These two videos are the work of another person. They have a lot of good knowledge. Please take a few minutes and watch.

I remember Corey Haim. He can have a voice, an outlet for his experiences through my own. I remember Corey Haim. I will fight-the-fight.

J. Schumacher, please learn my name.


Obama With Young Spider-Man ♦ Why Do I Feel I Was Meant To See This?

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXIV


I accidentally came across this photo last week. It was such a traumatic photo for me to see for reasons not obvious to most. I watched 20 beautiful young boys die wearing pajamas/costumes very similar to the one you will see in this photo. The only difference was, the twenty boys I watched die, did not have the face masks on. Everything else about the young Spider-Man was very similar.

Here is the blog-post I wrote about the 20 little boys being massacred. Many of the readers of this blog are likely familiar with my blog-post about the boys.




MSNBC Short Documentary On Johnny Gosch

Khris Speaks



MSNBC did a short documentary about Johnny Gosch. Johnny was kidnapped and stolen by a pedophile ring as a child. After watching the documentary, please read the blog-post below. This blog-post goes into much better detail on what happened to Johnny. The MSNMBC documentary only scratches the surface, in my opinion, on what really happened to Johnny Gosch.



A Serious Message From Duncan O’Finioan

Posted with permission. No comments or words of my own are included.


2013 … A New Year, or a Nightmare …pt 1
Well, here we are. At the end of the year 2012.
The world didn’t blow up and no body ascended. Big surprise, right? Yeah, I know …
OK, I haven’t written anything for quite a while. Been kind of busy. Things to do, problems to take care of.
A lot of time (well ok, a little time) over the past few weeks has been spent putting an end to the
whole FWH/Idylwild group. Yep, all done. All information and evidence has been turned over to the Feds.
Now, what they do, if anything, is up to them. I really don’t care. Want to know why?
That’s right. No time left. It’s here.
You think 2012 was bad? Well, just like the song says, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Are you ready? Good! ‘Cause here goes:
OH, wait. During the past several months “some people” have tried very hard to “find out things about me.”
Yeah, I know, it’s funny.
But here you go.
Hi! My name is Duncan. A lot of people call me Bobby — I answer to that, too.
I’m barely 5ft 7in tall, I weigh 234 lbs, I have 18 inch arms and a 33 inch waist and I can run a mile flat out (sorry, no bum knee).
I like to listen to AC/DC while I drive. Fast. Really, really fast.
AND I have a couple of famous cousins. One being Dakota Fanning.
Now I hope this helps all you brown nosers out there.
We done with this?
Good! Let’s move on …
This coming year is the beginning of the end game. This is something Miranda and I have talked much on over the past
few years. Mostly with Randy Maugans and Dave Corso. I would suggest you go back and give them a listen.
We are going to say much the same here as we have talked about in those interviews. You see, we don’t change.
Never have, never will. We don’t put out dates for things to happen and then, when it doesn’t, just push the date ahead,
then try and blame the “space brothers being late” for the change of date. BS.
That’s a good place to start. The “space brothers.” Guess what? It ain’t happening! Deal with it.
Neither is ascension, or the rapture, or Nesara or TPTB all being arrested and a new heaven on earth … debt free!
Get this straight … A WAR IS COMING! Hell, it has been building with people and events being put into place for hundreds
of years!You think TPTB/NWO has lost? That they’re going to go away? Then you’re a fool.
If I hurt your feelings with that statement … GOOD! It’s time you ALL started thinking for yourselves!
Have you taken a really good look around you lately? It’s time you did. See ANY changes for the good? You won’t.
Things are only going to get worse. MUCH worse, and damn soon. This is it, boys and girls. The war for your souls.
Ha,ha,ha…no, I’m not a bible-thumper. Although, a lot of what is in the bible is valid. Remember, much of the bible was taken
from much older writings.
This war is about the human soul. Not the only thing … but a very big part of it. And … I know this is something most of you do not want to hear.
Well, it’s about damn time you heard the truth and I hope it slaps you in the face and rattles your teeth!
Now hear this, None of you are going to ascend! There will be no space brothers to beam your ass away and God don’t want you for a neither a sun nor a moonbeam!
It doesn’t matter how many times you go to Egypt with “meditation groups” or believe what a wrapped up mummy ET tells you … THE ONLY PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET
Pissed off yet?
GOOD! I’m just getting started.
This planet, Earth, isn’t the only location this war is affecting. That’s right, humans aren’t at the top of the food chain like most of you
want to believe.
But … BUT. Humans have something the bad guys want. Your soul. And boys and girls, they want it bad!
You see, the human soul is pure energy. Doesn’t matter if it’s dark or bright, it’s still pure energy.
That is want “they” want. They want you as an energy source. Some of you have given your soul over to them freely already. Most
of you for a cheap asking price, too, by the way.
Hate to break the news to ya but, you’re lost, gone. Once you give your soul to another via your own free will, that contract is binding!
You might want to read that several more times, all of you who are sitting on the fence with your soul.
Now then, as my very old friend Dusty Rhodes would say, let’s move on.
WE have been fighting this war for a very, very long time and our time is almost here.
You see, there are a few of us whose job is to TRY and let the human race have a fighting chance. Some of us do care.
We received an email some time ago that said, “It seems like you don’t care much for the human race.”
The human race (as a whole) has spit in our faces and kicked us when we were down. Has laughed at us, shunned us, and mostly treated us
like crap (note” US refers to ALL who are fighting for the the human race. NOT just Miranda and myself and MK ULTRA people).
So, let me respond to that person’s email here.
This is what I said to a large council where the debate was whether or not the human race should be allowed to continue.
I said, “The human race deserves a right to learn and grow without outside influence. To stand and walk on their own!”
(Yes, I made my Godmother proud! He,he, sorry couldn’t resist).
Yes, boys and girls, there are those out there willing to die for the human race to have a fighting chance. Are you?
So, what’s on the way?”They” are going to take away your guns for one, and going to do it soon! Like, in weeks.
Here’s a little something for all you to think about…
Remember all those reports of foreign troops being brought in to have “joint training excerises with American troops?” Remember those times?
Anyone remember them … uh … leaving?
Didn’t think so. They have a job to do and all of you will be seeing them on the streets very soon.
All the mass killings over the past several years have been but a part of “their” plan, and over half of the population of this country
have fallen for their BS! Much like you have fallen for the New Age crap and a good deal of the co-opted and impotent “alternative media.”

But, you all want to know what the kicker is?
OK. All the gun grabbing with martial law, the collapse of the dollar and the U.S economy is nothing but a cover for what will really happen!
Just keeps getting deeper and darker, doesn’t it? Well, it is about that time.
If I took the time to write everything that is going to happen here my fingers would fall off! Hey, I kinda need them, I have several archery
tournaments to compete in soon.
If you must die, then die with your soul intact!
After all, there really is no such thing as death.
Now, what are you going to do?
Start looking for more dates to lock onto? Go for it.
Find another guru to follow? Done a lot of good in the past, hasn’t it?
Find yourself another new age radio host to follow. OK, even I think that one is funny.
Want my advice?
Well then stop reading!
Here it is anyway …
Start acting like humans! Not slaves!
Get off your damn knees and start fighting!
Won’t work until you get off your ass, first.
We need all the help we can get.
For us, this little prayer works to help us keep our chins up:
Lo there do I see my father
Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers
Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the begining
LO they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them
In the halls of VALHALLA
Where the brave may live
It’s time to be brave….are you ready?

About This Blog ♦ If You Don’t Like My Message, Then F**K Off!

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXVI


After a year, it’s time I establish a few points-in-general about the purpose of this web-blog. From word-one, I want to make it understood to all readers of this blog, past, present and future, I am not part of any ‘movement’. I’m not part of any truth, disclosure nor any other movement, organized, unorganized or implied. I operate this blog as an independent voice from all movements and organizations. I offer my testimony for self-healing as a service to any persons seeking answers and confirmations to their own experiences. I dedicate this blog to the children of all black-projects, who’ve been kidnapped, abused, programmed and killed by forces so sinister, it would stagger the minds of an unsuspecting humanity if they were aware. I publish this blog because my heart tells me so.

Some questioning of my motives and intentions have recently surfaced on other blogs and venues. I offer the testimony of my black-projects experiences on a take-it or leave-it basis. I owe nobody an explanation; I answer to nobody on the subject of dis-closing my life in the ultra-black programs like MK-Ultra. I’ve earned the right to say my peace. For over thirty years, I didn’t ask questions, I just followed orders. That is general order number one for MK-Ultra assassins. The time to “follow orders” has ended; now it’s time for me and all of YOU to be asking questions. Enough is enough. If you don’t like the message relayed by this blog to you, then don’t read it. If you do appreciate what I’m attempting to do with this blog, then for the love of God or whatever you wish to call your source, please help in any manner constructive.


Duncan O’Finioan – Closing Remarks to Michael Hemmingson

The sentences and paragraphs in black are Michael Hemmingson. The sentences and paragraphs in blue and italicized are Duncan O’Finioan’s rebuttal to Michael Hemmingson. Other than the email addresses involved, I did not change nor modify the exchange in any manner.
From: Mike Hemmingson @hotmail.com>
To: @yahoo.com” @yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: Fraud
Duncan/Bobby Joe or whatever your name is,
Michael, you can call me whatever name you wish — that really doesn’t matter to me at all.
Someone sent me the message below, that you posted on FB, as well as your email.
Are you sure you got it from someone on Facebook, or did you read it where I posted it for the Idylwild Group? Yes, I made sure you got it.
First, I find it weird that someone who claims to be against the black ops people and thinks the CIA monitors him would use the CIA-controlled Facebook data mining project; it is like your claiming to make use of government agencies for your revenge: you are a hypcrite.You say I’m a “hypcrite” [sic] for using Facebook and other social media. Well, Michael, so do you. Second, one learns to use the tools and weapons at their disposal. Third, this isn’t about “revenge”. But funny you should use the word revenge. I think that fits you and the little group very well.
I ain’t FHW, buddy. Sorry. I am flattered you think I am. He was, after all, witty, funny, intelligent, had (as he reported) 10 million hits to his blog, was widely syndicated, and widely read. But it ain’t me. Keep thinking that and I will keep laughing at the rabbithole you and others fell into. And consider this: someone you know, or think you know, someone you trust, has been working against you.Of course you are not FWH. FHW is a fictitious entity. Something you know a great deal about. Isn’t it you who uses a multitude of online personae? I wouldn’t be flattered, fella. There’s nothing there to be flattered about. And, yes, he was widely syndicated and widely read, because certain individuals made sure of that, didn’t they? Yes, please do keep laughing. And it would seem that once again, you quote FHW — or is it just that you can’t help yourself from using the same verbiage in multiple personalities? Of course there are people we know that have been working against us. We always know.
I do not buy into the FWH/Idywild Group’s assessment that you are a clone, or son of Crowley, or ever were in MKUltra. I know you are a fraud, and you are frightened that will come out.  Aaron McCollum gave me a lot of info on you last week, as did Anthony Forwood; I know what Forwood dug up on you and McCollum told me about the game you, he and Miranda AX aka Allison, and Dave Corso, pulled. I know that when you lived in Pahrump that you and Corso made up this story to get on local fame guy, Art Bell’s, show, as a lark. Then Kerry interviewed you, and with YouTube you got all this attention and you liked it; never in your life had people listened to you or gave you such attention, so you milked it, got on Jesse Ventura’s show with a scripted scenario and Corso as the mystery van man with a re-occuring role. You thought you could milk a book and movie deal from this fabrication. Now you have conned so many people
that if the truth came out, it would ruin you.
Oh wow, thanks Michael. You don’t buy in to FHW/Idylwild Group’s assessment. But just like those two groups, you double speak. You just can’t seem to make up your mind. Now, Michael, read the rest of this paragraph very closely. Thank you for using Aaron McCollum and Anthony Forwood’s names in this email. I appreciate that. So let’s continue on, and set the record straight. You say Aaron McCollum gave you a lot of information on me, as did Anthony Forwood. First of all, since you’re in touch with Aaron McCollum, please tell him we would like at least some of the money back that we gave him for his rent, his food, his cell phone, etc. We can never get back the sleepless hours of being up with him on the phone “calming him down” when he had an episode. And since you’re so good at digging up information, maybe you need to speak to his sister about those events. Or maybe his father, who, after all, lives in Pahrump Nevada. And please, also inform Mr. McCollum that Dave Corso would at least like a thank you for opening his door, his home, and giving him a place to stay and providing him food and providing him clothing for all those months.Continuing on with Aaron for just another moment; In case you haven’t noticed, he lies. He’s good at it. Maybe that’s why the two of you are such bed buddies. I will get to Mr. Forwood momentarily. You say that there was a game we tried to pull concerning trying to get on Art Bell’s radio show? What a load of crap. I guess no one informed you that Dave Corso and Art Bell … didn’t really like each other. I also guess you weren’t informed that coast to Coast AM producers contacted me without any prompting on my part to be on that show. Of which I declined. You just don’t get it, do you? You really don’t. Then you talk about where Kerry Cassidy interviewed me and all the attention I got from that. Seriously? That is something I wish I had never done. Asnd let’s cover briefly the Jesse Ventura show. You say it was a scripted scenario. No shit Sherlock, it’s called TV. That does not, however, belie the fact that evcerything I said in that episode was true. It was true then, and it’s true now.You say I thought I could milk a book and a movie deal? One more time, let me set the record straight. We have turned down two movie offers, and if I really wanted to get into movies or TV, I would simply pick up the phone and call my cousin Dakota. And as far as a book deal, you are well aware, I know, that we own our own publishing company. Now, I will apologize, Michael, that books like ours don’t sell as well as books like yours. There’s just no accounting for taste, is there. I find it very interesting that your books are disgusting pedophile candy, and here we are on the other side risking our lives to stop the many pedophiles who run and are involved in these projects. Since you are so obviously pro-pedophilia, which is putting it mildly, it really makes us wonder why you are so desperate to try and smear our names when all we have ever wanted was to stop the torture and abuse of children. Funny how that seems to get oh-so-conveniently-forgotten.

Now finishing this paragraph with Anthony Forwood. You mean he’s still pissed because I refused to do an interview with him? But just like Aaron McCollum, I’m so glad you put his name in this email. It’s tying up loose ends, and I must say, after re-reading this paragraph from you, I have to say Michael, it’s bleeding green. It would seem that, after spending so long on your last radio show accusing others of envy and jealousy, it is you who are envious and jealous. But then again, that’s just my opinion, isn’t it?

Frankly, I am surprised you managed to get a GED because your spelling and grammar, based on the note you wrote below, is at best fifth grade quality. Men like your grandfather who talked shit about the educational degrees of others os like a mouse making fun of the elepahnt about to stomp down a foot: that is, ridiculing some bigger and greater, what they can never be. This is common among the ignorant hillbillies of the USA.
Well, Michael, that may be true, but I guess you didn’t spell check this email either, sis you? And you’re cheap shot at my grandfather is so childish. It really is. My grandfather was a highly decorated war veteran. And you’re what now? Oh yeah, that’s right. You write pedophile novels. I gotta say, that’s one hell of a comparison. And I’m glad that you brought up ignorant hillbillies. I’ve shown this email around to a couple of the gyms and archery shops that I frequent, and they are extremely amused. So amused, that if I were you, I don’t think I would ever plan a vacation in Hillbilly country. I think, Michael, what I’m trying to say in this paragraph, is that no one finds you amusing. Everyone finds you just as pathetic and disgusting as we do. You try to flaunt your PhD, your pathetic excuse for a radio show, your disgusting book ‘genre’, over everyone’s heads, and all you do is end up with one foot in your ass and the other in your mouth. You have a PhD and it has gotten you where? Doing what? For whom? Hope it was worth it.
The truth will come out. I plan a future radio show on your scam, Allison’s scam, and McCollum will come on and verify it. You and I both know what he knows, and you have threatened his life over it like you have threatened others, and now me. The note you wrote below is full of enough threats for me to get a restraining order on you, and I will. Someone gave me your address in Lexington to have the order served on your fat ass.
The truth will come out. Oh, you better believe that one, fella. It sure will come out. ALL of it. All of it, and about each and every person involved, from the top to the bottom. You say you plan a future radio show on our “scam” and you’re going to have McCollum to verify it? May I quote some words that you and everyone else involved, which includes in case you haven’t figured it out yet, McCollum, Forwood, and a couple of more that, at this time, will remain nameless. These words Michael, are this: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. In case you haven’t figured this out as well, we have amassed more than enough information and evidence through our attorney to prosecute you and everyone else involved. And please, tell Aaron to remember who it was that he came crying to to get an interview with Kerry Cassidy. And please, remind Kerry Cassidy that she said, and I quote: “I knew everything Aaron was saying in those interviews were lies.” Oh yes, the truth most definitely will come out. And yes, I do know what he knows, and I have never threatened his life over anything I know. He quite simply isn’t worth the time. And neither are you. That, Michael, is why I’m letting the courts handle this. Didn’t get what you wanted there, did you? Oh, and please, your pathetic threat about having a restraining order issued against me for threatening you? Really. Michael. Let me clue you in on a little something: People have IP addresses of each and every threatening email sent to us by you and others with the name Former White Hat. And Michael, they match perfectly. The IP addresses where you commented on Randy Maugans’ website. Just another example where you wasted your time earning a PhD.
Then again, maybe not. It seems you are all bark with no bite, all hot air. You have threatened many people but you never act. You are the scumbag, who has conned and fooled so many with your bogus MK Ultra super unit story.
You say my bark is worse than my bite and I’m all hot air and that I have threatened many people. Really. If you wish to say by my “threatening” someone, you mean me telling a person who has threatened me to grow a pair and bring it, then I don’t know what to say. I guess your idea of threatening someone and mine are completely different. I guess maybe you mean by threatening like you said in one of the emails you sent to us that you would have your group kidnap one of my family. Is that what you mean by threatening? I don’t threaten people, Michael. It’s not my style, it’s not my way. I will, however, without prejudice, defend myself, my loved ones and my family, in each and every way that is necessary. Now I offer to you the same as I have offered to everyone else who has written, posted, and via phone message, threatened me with physical harm and called me a fake. Come see for yourself. I’ll be in Las Vegas next month. Door’s wide open. Here’s your chance to prove you’re a man. Now, is that threatening? No. In my mind, that’s being a man. Call me old school, call it what you want, but it’s my way. If people want to threaten me, say they can do all these things to me, and then when given a chance, they run crying saying I threatened them — no no, no more. You people wanted to see how far we could be pushed. You just found out. No more. Now we we push back, and believe me, you people will not like it. You say I’m a fake, I’m a fraud? Come prove it. Come face to face and prove it to everyone. It’s that simple. In “Hillbilly” terms, Michael, it’s called put up or shut up.
Then again, if it is true, it is rightful to say that you are still under their control. You said yourself you have no control of your alters being activated. How do you know you were not one of the masked gunmen at Auroa? How do you know you were not activated? If your story is true, YOU are still THEIR BITCH.
Amazing here, Michael, how once again you point an accusing finger using word for word what was posted by the Idylwild Group. You continually out yourself. And I also see you still have no compassion for those people’s families. You truly are a disgusting piece of work. How do I know I wasn’t activcated? It’s simple, Michael. I haven’t traveled in a very long time. And then you say if my story is true I am still their bitch? Again, make up your mind. Am I fake or am I being used by the government? You can’t seem to decide on anything. You sound like a politician.There are those who say you should be comletely ignored, but I draw the line at being implicated personally in more than one of the tragic slaughters that have horrified the country and the world. It’s one thing to read ridiculous B movie garbage, but this is something else completely. You not only libel me, but spit on the devastation and grief of those poor victims who were actually affected.This ends it, Michael. As of now, it’s all turned over to the authorities., What they do with it is completely up to them. Make no mistake, I will sit on a witness stand, and I really don’t care who gets arrested with this. I want everyone involved to go down and go down hard. People have stated that you are obsessed with commentators and with being given publicity because it makes you notorious and controversial. Go back and read your emails, Michael. Remember what I told you months and months ago. Don’t start this. I will finish it. And I will continue with this through the legal system until I hear you pronounced guilty. Now you can laugh this off, you can go do your radio shows. Please do. More evidence the merrier. I’m sure you’ll be in good company in County lockup until you’re transferred.

http://www.dataasylum.com/ – Check This Out!

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXV


There is an absolutely phenomenal website called dataasylum.com. I’m requesting all my subscribers and blog followers to go to this site. I promise you will be fascinated as well as get many new insights into chem-trails and mind/body control.  You’ll even get a glance at a person who has cameras placed into their eyes. I have these cameras as well as many, many other people. It’s normal for MK-Ultra survivors to have these cameras. This is the most enlightening and fascinating web site I’ve seen in years.


The capture below is from the dataasylum.com website. All credits belong to the owner of this site.



Stew Webb – An Inside Look

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXIV


I want to introduce you to a man named Stew Webb. He is fighting the Illuminati in court as well as on the internet. I have not spoken to Mr. Webb, so I cannot give a blanket endorsement. I do believe this man is sincere and fighting the ‘good fight’ and taking some hard hits from the dark forces. There are many important links I wish to share with you. Please take a look at his site and if you want to support him, please do. There will be human sacrifice ceremonies for the solstice on December 21st, 2012.  If you can get to the location safely to record or prevent the satanic activities, any assistance would be appreciated. Please be prepared for anything if you attempt to do recon or directly interfere. Please take some time to go to his site and review his material. I do believe you will prosper and benefit by this man’s efforts.

The main page to his site. http://www.stewwebb.com/

The link for the rituals: http://www.stewwebb.com/bush_satanic_rituals_and_human_sacrifices_01172010.htm

Stew has written about the mother of Adan Lanza, the Connecticut school shooter.





Johnny Gosch –


Volume II


I found this article on FaceBook earlier this month. It pissed me off to no end.  There are many people lecturing, writing and appearing in person to disclose MK-Ultra. Only a few of the writers etc. will discuss what is happening to the children. This person at blogspot did an incredible job putting this phenomenal article together about Johnny Gosch.

The link to the article is here: http://pedophileringilluminati.blogspot.com/2009/10/johnny-gosch-rare-survivor.html

If the author objects, I will remove this post immediately. I hope they will approve as this is very important information.

Johnny Gosch, A Rare Survivor

24 Oct, 2009

Author: Kiya |

On Sunday, September 6, 1982, in the bedroom community of West Des Moines, Iowa, 12-year-old Johnny Gosch is headed out on his newspaper route. He brings with him the family dog and his red wagon to carry the papers. That is the last time Johnny is ever seen again.
Johnny’s parents, Noreen and John Gosch, launch the initial search for their son because the West Des Moines police were short staffed due to the Labor Day weekend. Noreen knew in her heart that her son had not run away from home, as the police suspected, but had been abducted by a stranger.
Because both the Gosches were asleep when Johnny left the house that morning, there is conflicting information on what he was wearing that day. Their best guess, was either dark sweat pants, or a white t-shirt with blue jean cut-offs.
Another newspaper boy named Mike tells police that a stocky man in a 1979 or 1980 blue two-tone, two-door Ford Fairmont with Iowa plates had been driving around that morning asking the newspaper boys for directions.
Johnny told Mike that the man made him feel uncomfortable when he asked him for directions. As the boys noticed the Fairmont circling the area again, Johnny said he was heading home. Mike watched Johnny walking down the street, and noticed another man he hadn’t seen before, walking closely behind Johnny as he turned the corner.
A police artist creates a composite sketch of the stocky, dark-complected man seen driving the car. Witnesses describe him in his 30’s, with a mustache. The sketch is released to the media but nothing solid comes from the lead.
Days turn into weeks, and weeks bleed into months. Noreen becomes obsessed with finding her son. Every night she leaves her porch light on. She does numerous television interviews hoping that Johnny will see her and know that help is on the way.
Usually when a child is abducted he’s not seen or heard from again. But in the years following Johnny’s disappearance there were sightings, evidence, and bizarre coincidences. And to this very day, many believe Johnny was the victim of a bizarre and insidious plot and is still alive and in hiding. See a detailed timeline.
Soon after his abduction, Johnny was drugged, molested, sold, and prostituted. This was not a random kidnapping. Johnny was clearly targeted.
On September 19, 1982, Michael Aquino purchases Johnny for $35,000.
They travel to Colorado (to a house near Sedalia in the vicinity of Elephant Rock and Jarre Canyon; this house was shown on one of the AMW programs broadcast in 1992) where Johnny begins a program of torture, mind control and prostitution. Aquino is a military intelligence officer with ties to the CIA’s mind control branch; he has the contacts, resources and motivation to head an organization of criminals that kidnap children and transform them into sex slaves to satisfy his own personal mental illness while disguising the operation under the umbrella of “national security.”
On August 12, 1984, two years after Johnny disappeared, 12-year old Eugene Martin, another paperboy for the Des Moines Register disappears while on his newspaper route. Noreen Gosch receives information another paperboy will be abducted prior to Martin’s disappearance and reports it to local police. They call her “crazy” and disregard the tip. The FBI jumps on the Martin case immediately, but like Johnny, it’s as though Eugene has disappeared without a trace. On August 16, President Reagan phones the editor or the Des Moines Register, James Gannon and asks what if anything he can he do to help in the disappearance of the two boys. To date authorities have been unable to positively link these two cases.
For the next two years, there are sightings of Johnny all over the US, including a dollar bill which shows up in Sioux City, Iowa. Written on the front of the currency is “I am alive — Johnny Gosch.”
Then on Valentine’s Day, 1988, a typed letter arrives at the Gosch home. It’s postmarked, Idaho. The writer say’s he’s Johnny and he’s been kidnapped and forced to do terrible things. He says his kidnappers have dyed his hair and given him a new name. He types at the end of the letter, “Your son, Johnny Gosch.”
The note also mentions the incident in Oklahoma where Johnny approached a woman for help. According to Noreen, that tip was never made public, which validates for her that the letter is authentic.
“Johnny Gosch was here” was painted in red nail polish on the bathroom wall of a restaurant in Denver, Colorado.
In 1989, 21 year old Paul Bonacci, a convicted child molester
comes forward. While serving time in an Omaha, Neb. prison for molesting a young boy, Bonacci admitted to his psychiatrist he helped abduct Iowa newspaper boy Johnny Gosch. He claimed there was an organized ring of pedophiles in Omaha that abducts children and forces them into a life of pornography and prostitution and in some cases auctions off these children to clients for sex.
Bonacci, who suffers from a multiple personality disorder, had been a key witness in Ohmaha’s Franklin Federal Credit Union bank scandal. He testified that Larry E. King, who was charged and convicted with embezzling $40 million from the bank, had wild sex parties at his home and Bonacci himself had sex with several prominent Omaha citizens who were there.
Larry E. King, was a major Republican fundraiser based in Omaha and sang the national anthem at both the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. Bonacci claimed that he and others were taken to the Republican convention in Dallas and also made numerous trips to King’s Washington, DC apartment on Embassy Row where they were offered up for sex-for-pay with prominent Republican politicians.
Bonacci claims that this organized ring picked him up at the age of eight and forced him into prostitution. He says he was photographed, blackmailed and later forced to be a decoy to lure young boys, like Johnny, into waiting vehicles. Bonacci admits that he became a molester himself.
Bonacci’s attorney, John DeCamp, phoned the Gosches with this story and the Gosch’s private investigator Roy Stephens spent two years trying to disprove Bonacci’s claims. Because Bonacci had been charged with perjury and perpetrating a hoax by the grand jury in the Franklin Credit scandal, neither the FBI nor the West Des Moines Police would even interview him about the Gosch case. They still feel he is an unreliable witness.
In the two years Roy Stephens investigated Bonacci, he went from skeptic to supporter, and some of Bonacci’s story and the evidence Roy Stephens uncovered is compelling:“Emilio” is the ringleader of the organization who orders the abductions and sells the children to pedophiles. Bonacci claims Emilio was the man in the Ford Fairmont asking Johnny for directions.
“Tony” is used as the driver. Remarkably, he’s been identified in other child abductions across the country including Mikelah Joy Garrett, who disappeared in November 1988 from her home in Hayward, California.
The night before Johnny’s abduction, Bonacci saw a man bring photos of young boys to Emilio. He says one was Johnny Gosch. Noreen Gosch remembered that a neighbor noticed a woman taking pictures of Johnny three months before his abduction. Even more interesting, where the neighbor saw the picture being taken matches exactly the background described by Bonacci in the photo he saw.
“Mike” was a boy who Bonacci claims was with him in the back seat of the car that Emilio was driving on the day of the abduction. He said another man pushed Johnny into the car and Paul used chloroform to knock Johnny out.
Bonacci said they were taken to a farmhouse in Sioux City, Iowa where he was the first to sexually abused Johnny, and then photos were taken. Emilio entered the room and told Bonacci and Mike to undress Johnny. Emilio had a buyer who wanted to see photos of the boys doing things to each other. Eventually the buyer arrived, looked at the pictures, paid $35,000 and took Johnny to Colorado.
“Charlie” ran the farm in Sioux City, Bonacci says. Roy Stephens actually located a Chuck he believes is Charlie and found people who said things about Chuck that were similar to what Bonacci said about Charlie.
“The Colonel” was the man who Bonacci said ran a ranch in Colorado. Bonacci said the last time he saw Johnny was back in 1986 at that same ranch. Johnny, whose hair was now dyed black, and was renamed “Mark”, had attempted to run away. When they caught up with him, they branded Johnny on his right buttock, like a piece of livestock.
John DeCamp, legal counsel to the Chairman of the State Senate Committee that investigated the Federal Credit Union, and who later became a state senator, wrote a book on the scandal called “The Franklin Cover-up.” At first he too was skeptical of Bonacci’s claims, but now he believes that high level government officials wanted to keep everything quiet and did everything they could to discredit Paul Bonacci. He wonders why the FBI completely refused to investigate Bonacci’s claims regarding Johnny Gosch, “It was a forbidden zone, they wouldn’t even talk about it,” says DeCamp.
DeCamp says Bonacci’s multiple personalities, at last count 28, is a result of years of sexual abuse and mind control. “It’s caused by the very things he describes.”
In 1990, Investigator Gary Caradori who was investigating Paul Bonacci’s claims for the Nebraska State Legislation, urgently phoned State Senator Loran Schmit from Chicago saying he had found “the smoking gun.” Caradori told Schmit he would fly that night from Chicago on his private plane with his son back to Lincoln, Nebraska. The plane exploded over Aurora,Illinois, killing Caradori and his eight year old son. According to an eyewitness, just before hearing the explosion, he saw a “flash of light.” A Sheriff’s deputy recovers pictures of children with high profile politicians. Caradori’s briefcase containing photos of and the rear seat to the plane disappear and are never were recovered.
In October 1991, Noreen Gosch met Paul Bonacci, in a face to face meeting. She said Paul described to her things about Johnny that she had never released to the press: that Johnny Gosch had a stutter and that he had taken yoga. Because of those small details she believes Paul Bonacci’s story is true.
In a bizarre coincidence, that summer a friend of the Gosch’s was in a Denver restaurant and noticed painted on the bathroom wall, in bright red nail polish, “Johnny Gosch was here”. Roy Stephens showed a series of photos, including the Mexican restaurant, to Bonacci. Without prompting, Bonacci identified the restaurant and recalled how he, Johnny, and Mike went into the bathroom and Johnny painted “Johnny Gosch was here” on the wall. Bonacci even produced a letter from his friend Mike mentioning how JG wrote on the bathroom walls in a Mexican restaurant — in red nail polish.
In 1992, AMW aired the Johnny Gosch story and with the help of Paul Bonacci several composite sketches were drawn of the principals involved in the alleged pedophilia ring. The FBI attempts to get the network to “kill the story”. Why would the FBI not want the show to air? After the show aired, Noreen Gosch received a 14 page letter from a boy named “Jimmy” who said the same men who had abducted her son had abducted him and he told her that Johnny was still alive. Noreen said he knew personal details about her son that had never before been released and she believes him.
AMW aired a series of interviews with Jimmy in March 1993, in which Jimmy talked about his friendship with Johnny. He said they had made a blood oath to protect and help each other and to trust each other always. Jimmy said he was with Johnny at the ranch in Colorado for four years and that when Jimmy was overheard talking about escaping, he too was branded. Jimmy lifted his pant leg and revealed a large brand on his leg similar to the brand Paul Bonacci had seen on Johnny.
Jimmy later met with Noreen and John Gosch and gave them a diary he had kept of his life. Included in it were some of Johnny’s memories of the time when he was a paper boy. Jimmy wrote that Johnny had 37 customers and how proud he felt when he won the local paper boy competition and won a free airline ticket. Noreen says all of that, is true.
AMW producers took Paul Bonacci to Colorado in an attempt to find the “The Colonels” ranch where these boys say they were held. Outside of Bueno Vista, Bonacci recognized a piece of property. He physically reacted when he walks up to the front door, and began to cry uncontrollably. Paul showed AMW the secret underground chamber where he says the children were put in case authorities came by. Paul says some of the boys were placed there blindfolded, as a form of punishment.
In 1997, Noreen Gosch, says Johnny himself paid her a visit. He stayed for an hour and told her what happened to her and why he could never come home or see her again because of the criminal activity he’s now involved in. That sparked a book penned by Noreen called, “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home.” But the latest twist is the most bizarre.
On August 27th, 2006, two photos were left at the home of Noreen Gosch. In one photo a young boy is tied up and gagged and a brand mark is seen on his upper arm, which surprisingly appears identical to the brand mark on “Jimmy’s”ankle that AMW videotaped in 1993. It is also identical to the one Paul Bonacci described to AMW in 1992 that he claimed to have seen on Johnny Gosch’s rear end in the late 1980’s. The other photo shows three boys lying side by side on a bed, also bound and gagged. Noreen Gosch was certain her son Johnny is in two of those photos and quickly turned them over to the police for analysis.
But just this week, the West Des Moines police say Johnny Gosch is not among the boys in the photos. Nelson Zalva, a retired detective from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office in Tampa recognized the photos as evidence in a case he investigated in 1978 or 1979, which predates Johnny Gosch’s 1982 disappearance. Ret. Det. Zalva says all the boys in the photos were identified but failed to provide authorities with enough evidence to prosecute the man who took the pictures.
Hillsborough Sheriff’s department is now researching their files to locate the original photos because Retired Det. Zalva does not recall seeing a brand mark on the boy in the photo.
A photo of George H.W. Bush surfaces with what appears to be a young Johnny Gosch standing behind Bush.
I chose to post Johnny’s story first because it’s been established it was an Illuminati abduction.
Given what you’ve learned thus far in this blog, what characteristics common to Illuminati abductions appear in the Gosch abduction?* Johnny can fit either of the 2 types of abductees, given the uncertainty of the clothes he was wearing at the time. A possible white tee shirt and blue jeans would fit Type 1 but given the fact Johnny had a slight disability (a stutter) he could also fit the Type 2 abductee.
* We know from an eyewitness account a neighbor saw a strange woman was seen photographing Johnny 3 months prior to his actual abduction, which mean Johnny had been under surveillance prior to the abduction. While the article doesn’t mention it, the fact Johnny’s dad normally accompanied Johnny on his paper route (but couldn’t that day) also supports Johnny having been under surveillance. They knew which morning to snatch him as his dad wasn’t with him. (That a woman was seen photographing Johnny also supports the male/female abduction team I told you about!)
* Local police stalled the initial investigation by insisting Johnny was a runaway despite his mother’s claims he was not, that he must’ve been abducted. (Which is what forced Johnny’s Law to be passed, forcing police to act immediately in child disappearances). I also question the police claiming to be understaffed on Labor Day weekend. While this may have been true, police generally schedule MORE officers to work holiday weekends.

* When Noreen Gosch tells local law enforcement she’s received a tip another paperboy will be abducted, police call her “crazy” and ignore the tip. This is the typical Illuminati tactic of portraying credible witnesses as “mentally ill” in order to discredit them. And the fact police refused to act on her tip speaks for itself.

* The abduction vehicle was a blue sedan.* Johnny was drugged with choloraform, 1 of 2 drugs favored by the Illuminati.
* The FBI quickly stepped into both the Gosch and Martin disappearances in order to control the investigation and media coverage. This is evidenced by the FBI attempting to prevent America’s Most Wanted from airing their episode on Johnny’s abduction.
* We have Illuminati repetition as well – both Gosch and Martin were paperboys.
* You have the suspicious death of investigator Gary Caradori, who was preparing to expose the government pedophile ring so was murdered when his plane exploded. (This again speaks to Illuminati repetition of tactics, as the exact same method was used by our government, specifically George H.W. Bush and his spawn offspring Dubya, to bring down JFK Jr.’s plane and kill him). The Illuminati appear to have a penchant for blowing up planes…
* Symbolism appears via the branding of these boys with the rocking X brand.
* Numerology – Johnny was born in the 11th month, was under surveillance for 3 months, and was just shy of his 13th birthday as is often the case in male abductions for this pedophile ring.
The boys are often just shy of their 13th birthday or are 13 years old when abducted.
*Satanic holidays – While Johnny was abducted just 2 days before the Marriage of the Beast satanic holiday, his upcoming birthday may have been more of a mitigating factor as the most important holiday to satanists is one’s own birthday.
* We have evidence tampering in the Caradori plane crash by apparently both law enforcement and the government. The photos recovered by the Sheriff’s deputy and the back seat of the plane both mysteriously disappear.
What’s really interesting about this case is that all questioning of witnesses and discovery of evidence that Johnny was abducted into this pedophile ring was not done by law enforcement or the FBI, but by the private investigators Noreen Gosch hired to investigate Johnny’s abduction!
Johnny Gosch is now 39 years old and to date no one has been charged or prosecuted in his abduction despite the overwhelming evidence that was discovered pointing to an Illuminati abduction.


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