Tagged: Fae

Here We Go… I Was Wondering Why I Was Left Out ♦♣♠♥ Poker Time ♦♣♠♥

Khris Speaks

Volume XXI


I’m only going to address this once. It doesn’t matter to me what other people think or believe about me or my life. This blog is for me and if anybody else gets benefit or confirmation of their own experiences, then it’s a double positive. Any other correspondence from this *censored* will be deleted. Also, if it helps, I never claimed to be in Project Talent.  I knew when I posted about being on Mars, shit might hit the fan. I hope nobody gets splattered.

Mr. Former Mad Hatter, your presence on my blog lets me know my blog is NOT bullshit. If it were bullshit, you would have never bothered. Thanks for the confirmation of mind control, torture and all the fixings and trimmings.  Go play with your Sisterhood of the Flaming Reptile Penis in all it’s  sacred majesty and leave me at peace.

Dirty Troll

Fuckin’ CIA Troll

♦ Alters ♦ Agony ♦ Mars ♦ Love of Self / Selfs ♦

Khris Speaks

Volume XX


Warning: Strong Language

I have been rapidly merging with an alter personality. I think the term alter does no justice to what the circumstance really is . This isn’t just another personality, but another person. This person (ality) has lived and functioned like I have, but in an entirely different reality and apparently in other time lines too. Remember, I had a programming take off last fall and I was  on location with Barack Obama after the New Madrid earthquake.  R.I.P. St. Louis Missouri! I have both loved and hated you. That mega quake hasn’t happened yet, has it? Hmmm, it’s interesting to go back to a time when I was clueless about my programming and listen to my voice recordings. Very telling and very,  very disclosing. Is it not?

One of my alter personalities has begun to assert himself strongly, very strongly into my life and affairs. This is one commanding, have a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up kind of guy. You don’t approach this guy and you don’t speak to him unless you are spoken to. You don’t step in front of him and you don’t look him in the eyes.  He spoke at work one evening and said “I didn’t come to this planet to be nice.” I literally had to stop, rewind, and think about what just ejected from my mouth.  I almost panicked. I thought to myself, “What the hell did I just say?”  Later that evening, he spoke again and said “This is my fucking command!” I just answered with a “Yes Sir” in my thoughts.  He is very strong in personality and doesn’t ask anything. He speaks to you and it’s the word of God. Period! I can feel a profound agony and pain and it’s very difficult to deal and live with. This alter has been through hell and back for sure. I can cut his feelings with a knife at times. I pray to those that administer to the universe for relief and some mercy.  There has been a few times, he wanted to hurt people and I just had to fight it. I fight with his feelings several times a day. I’m certain the condition will improve with a little patience and time.

On March 2nd, when I rolled onto my left side and was facing East, I had a strange electrical impulse that came from my solar plexus area. A tiny beam of light was visible coming from my solar plexus. That is when I felt what Barack Obama was feeling and it was not good. It was a feeling of despair and anguish.  I am now convinced this was my alter and he has an empathic connection to Obama and not me. I, Khris, do not hate Barack Obama, but do not have the utmost respect for the man. My alter seems to have a very strong connection and respect for Barack Obama.  I still contend that some event is on the horizon that will permanently change things for Barack. It may be months away, but it’s coming.

I was notified today of my involvement in assembling structures on Mars. I was told that I have spent an incredible amount of time on Mars with other people. I received details of the suit I wore that looks similar to desert camouflage. I could breathe there but I did have a respirator pack that I could get oxygen from if I needed it. I always listened very intently to the “whistle blowers” about Project Pegasus.  I’m not going to tell you that I remember Major Ed Dames because I DON’T.

I’m finding a new love and respect for myself as I continue to remember and experience the agony of merging with alters and reliving the electrocution during the torture. That happens more than I want to admit. It’s scary to have your muscles start to hammer and then feel current going through your heart. I used to not have such a great respect for myself, but now that I know what I’ve been through and the fact I’m still alive makes me feel a profound sense of love for my own existence. I even have a great love for my alter personalities. I may never know exactly what they have experienced in totality and I may not want to know.


My 20th Post! Odds ‘N’ Ends

Khris Speaks

Volume XIX


I wanted to put on the record that I am feeling some strong empathic feelings concerning Obama. Two nights ago, while attempting to sleep, my thoughts went to Obama and my solar plexus area started to have intense electrical impulses. I could feel he was struggling with some issues. It was a lonely feeling -almost hopeless in its nature. I felt as if his back was against the wall on some issue. Recently, Sheriff Joe Arpaio had joined the ranks of those claiming his birth certificate was a fraud. Then there is the Andrew Breitbart conspiracy running concurrently along with the Arpaio and Iran issues. I really feel some imminent event is upon us. I can’t say what it is, but it will involve or profoundly affect Obama in some matter.

A dream two nights ago revealed some huge spiders that may be making their way to our everyday lives. I was with a group of people and we were gawking at what appeared to be a common house spider, but instead of being the size of a dime and weighing a gram or two, this one was modified to be several pounds and bigger than a shoe. Yesterday when I sat down to do deep breathing and some Silva training, I had a scene play under my eyelids of another strange variety of black spider running around a waste can. This one appeared to have dual sets of eight legs. I don’t know if it can technically be called an arachnid with sixteen legs, but it was a creepy frackin’ spider-ish bug if nothing else.

I have been casting out demons and I am noticing something at night now. I am waking up and seeing little red lights or tiny orbs that are red in color. They do not approach, but I am thinking that I may need to do a full house blessing and possibly do some smudging and get them out. I have a feeling as I have been purging demons from my body they have not left the house and are lurking around. It’s not scary, but it’s strange to wake up at 4 a.m. and see a red light peeking around the corner at you.


Poltergeist Dream ♥Little Monarch Girl♥?

Khris  Speaks

Volume XVIII


In December, I had a terrible dream. I was struggling with PTSD and the emotional pain I experienced in October when the boys were shot.  I was at my breaking point emotionally and I was a powder keg about to explode. One night, I had a dream where I was in an older house. It appeared to have older furniture, but I can’t date it.  I was in a girl’s bed room and I was looking around. There was a four post bed with a canopy and a nice chest of drawers. I noticed a small rocking chair that was made with unfinished wood. I was looking at the mirror and silver items on the dresser, complete with brushes, combs etc. when I heard the rocking chair start to rock,  I turned around and saw the chair was rocking on its own. I immediately became very stressed and did not want to witness this phenomenon. I remember thinking, I don’t need this right now; I can’t take much more. I must have been somewhat lucid or was functioning in the astral.  Out of frustration, I took a brush off of the dresser and tossed it into the seat area of the rocking char. The chair instantly stopped rocking and after five seconds it started rocking again very fast. As it picked up speed, a little girl appeared. I surmise she was approximately six year old. She had shoulder length brunette hair.  She was in a full length white dress. This dress was more like a formal church dress, not a casual everyday type of garment.  All of a sudden, she got a look of pure rage on her face. She straitened her arms down to her side with clinched fists. She stood on her tip toes and gave me a look of pure disgust. Next, the entire room began to stack itself. The bed, furniture, lamps etc. all stacked themselves in a manner that normal physics would not allow. As an example: The bed was balancing on a lamp and the dresser was stacked on some toys. Any person attempting to replicate this could probably not do it a million out of a million times.

I forced myself awake and was completely dumbfounded. I could understand the poltergeist activity with the furniture stacking. That kind of activity can occur during hormonal changes and or extreme emotional duress. I could not understand the presence of the little girl. A few days ago, while at work, I started thinking about this little girl and the way she looked at me. I thought about that formal white dress and it started to work my mind over a little.  I am concerned that I may have killed that little girl. I mean she was the right age, a child, and again there was the pretty little Monarch-esque dress she had on.  Even writing this now, I am getting vertigo and a strange electrical impulse through my body.  Did she visit me from beyond? Perhaps a door was opened for her to show her anger and anguish over what happened. Was she a victim of my Monarch delta programming?  I may never know until I find a medium or psychic that can help me.  I am an empath, but cannot detach enough to assess this with my own feelings.

I can only hope she will forgive me and understand If I did harm or kill her, I was impaired and not in control of my mind or actions. ♥


Pys Ops – Nine Digit Calls – Email Texts – Blood Draw Photo

Khris Speaks



I’ve been getting calls from nine digit numbers. Once, I asked a person to listen and they heard clicking and static. The T-Mobile tech department has instructed me these nine digit numbers are spoofs of another individual’s phone. The gentleman told me it is illegal and can be traced. He told me there is remedy, but I’m not giving these dark lords the effort or waste my time beyond this post.

Cell phone calls:

541-202-229 February 29 7:29 p.m.

541-222-243 February 22 7:43 p.m.

541-222-030 February 22 5:30 p.m.

541-241-451 February 7th 8:14 p.m.

541-241-451 January 24, 11:52  a.m.

Text Messages sent by email:


jpu 02 wx February 18, 3:30 a.m.


.c.jyo 6686 qg February 17, 12:32 p.m.

I got blood drawn from my foot because the abductors were aware I found the punctures on my arm. So, a few nights after my nasty abduction in early February, I got taken again and this time they took blood from my foot. I have a photo of  it.   You can see the puncture over a large vein!

Oh, to the assholes attempting to make me feel a profound love of Vampires after I wrote about my werewolf experiences! Honestly, I have to laugh! Good one, but I’m onto it! Now go find something else to do.

Blood † Semen † Ceremony – Was I born on March 25th by design?

Khris Speaks

Volume XVI


After visiting mighty Sarah Stanga’s web blog and listening to her testimony, a door opened in my mind and I had to explore the possibility my birth may have been manipulated for ceremonial purposes. I already know I’m a Monarch/MK Ultra and MILABS survivor, but reading Sarah’s web blog sparked another investigation into my life.

I remember my mother being in a black dress in one of my Hillary Clinton dreams. At the time I had this dream, I didn’t know I was a Monarch or MILAB, but now I have to reconsider the value of that information. Also, when I was preparing to receive my Reiki attunements, my mother came to my friend in the astral and told her she was concerned about the ceremony because there were “secrets” about me. With both of these facts in hand, I am beginning to think my mother is a Monarch lady herself. Also, I must mention my Godmother. I have had a reoccurring dream of her teaching me how to levitate, fly and move objects with my feelings. I have had this dream many times and it is always at night time at her house. I am about five years old in the dream. I have to at least entertain the idea she’s a Monarch lady too. I also must consider the notion my family may be a multigenerational family in the big scheme of mind control etc.

My name is Khristan (pronounced Christian) and my father told me when I was thirty-two years old, my name was spelled that way by mistake. I asked how that could be. Father told me he was intoxicated and had been smoking purple haze the night my mother’s water broke. They were not expecting me that evening even in the slightest. My mother had a rough labor of many, many hours and finally I arrived. I was born at 2:15 a.m., Thursday, March 25th. My parents had a boy but allowed the name to be misspelled and have a feminine attribute. Could my father under the influence of drugs and alcohol given in to an entity? Also, since my mother was in labor for so many hours, could my father had still been drunk and stoned when I was born?  In the 1970’s, birth data would have been typed up by somebody for sure. I would have thought that either my mother or father would have found a nurse and corrected the spelling. Why let a huge mistake like this go uncorrected?  My friend showed me how the letter ‘I’ missing at the end of my name and if the letter ‘C’ was used instead of a ‘K’, how it would change my numerology chart. My numerology chart had a 22/4 master challenge for my first thirty plus years. My friend said that was extremely difficult for a child to come in with a 4 challenge let alone a 22/4 master challenge.

The reason I had to explore the idea my birth chart may have been manipulated is because my blood and semen have been taken many times and I have dream/memory recalls of doing ceremonies. These consist of me speaking Latin and casting circles and calling up demons. I have had dreams of Sex Magick as well. I have had astral sex as well as an encounter sexually with a werewolf. The werewolf had body strength of titanium. His strength was super-human. His body was covered in what was similar to Terrier dog hair but longer and pricklier. You could see the muscles in his legs and body. He had pointy dog ears and red eyes. His penis was completely covered in hair and his erection was like a piece of stone. I had two middle aged men behind me and they were taking turns sodomizing me. I was between seventeen and eighteen years old when this incident happened.

As for many MK Ultra babies, the powers that be in the organization try to get the father out of the picture. In 1980 or 1981, my father, at the age of 30 years old, suffered a severe heart attack. The hospital tried all the usual cardiac drugs without success. My mother signed a stack of papers that evening giving consent to the doctor in charge to utilize experimental drugs. None of those drugs worked either. It appeared my father’s arteries were clamping off. He was in good general health before this event.The doctor did not give up on my father and as he went into cardiac arrest, he defibrillated my father every few minutes to put him back into a normal heart rhythm. If the doctor didn’t continue that for an extended time, my father would not have lived. I believe a death-hook signal or a psychic attack was launched against my father to get him out of the picture. Several months later, my parents divorced.  It seemed they couldn’t kill him, so they split my parents up. After that, my mother had help raising me from an aunt and uncle. My uncle was extremely aggressive and violent.

It appears March 25th had more value under the Julian calendar than the Gregorian. I’ve been calling it the Alpha and Omega day. Many things in media, including books, TV shows etc. are released on March 25h. It is the first day of the year on the Julian calendar. Some think March 25th was the crucifixion of Jesus. March 25th seems to be a day where things are brought to a start or a conclusion.

Some events on March 25th through the years:

  1. Judy Garland gave her final performance of over the rainbow on March 25th 1969
  2. On this date in 1882, the Grand Lodge of Arizona was organized (Masonic)
  3. On this date in 1902, Sir Winston Churchill received his 3rd degree in Studholme Lodge #1591, London (Masonic)
  4. The Vampire Diaries returns Thursday March 25 2010 (trivial, but an example of a start date)
  5. March 25, 1957 in Rome, Italy, the signing of the Treaty of Rome took place which brought in the European Union according to many sources.
  6. There are other Pagan and Satanic important days that are not holidays; one of them is the date of March 25th. This day is called Stork Day, which also stands for the birth of. It is also said that Snakes came out of their burrows on this day; it is the rise of the Snakes and the Beast. Remember that Snakes, Serpents, and Dragons represent Satan also.  (http://www.tbns.net/antoniomccoy/ExposingTheSatanist.html)
  7. March 25th is the day of the Annunciation celebrated by Catholic and other religions
  8. Many tournaments like Golf etc. open on March 25th
  9. Graduations/Commencements are popular on March 25th
  10. March 25th in The Lord of the Rings is the date of the destruction of the Ring of Power.

To be objective, I have reminded myself that events and situations happen on all calendar days and in no way do I wish my birthday to be a ceremonial day for the Luciferians. At this time, I have to say that it is inconclusive as to the possibility I was engineered to be born on Thursday, March 25th, 1976 at 2:15 a.m.  My name is written feminine but pronounced masculine. I know my natal chart has seven signs in water and four in fire. Three of the four fire signs are in Aries.  I’m certain the astrological value of my birth time was of great value to the dark lords.

My natal chart can be viewed here:


In closing, I encourage all MK Ultra/Monarch survivors to explore the circumstances around their birth as well the possibility their family is multigenerational.



Dreams and Out of Body Experiences – My YouTube Voice Logs

Khris Speaks

Volume XIV


This post will be my YouTube videos about dreams and Out of Body Experiences. Some of you have already heard these, but I want to add them to my web blog for everyone that is interested.

In the first video, my voice is a little lower and darker. This video log was recorded in the first few weeks after waking up to being a MILABS survivor. My voice changes when I’m reliving the trauma.

This video is about Hillary Clinton and some interesting experiences with her.

This video is about trying to get a college campus to wake the students up.

This dream is where I was with President Obama after the New Madrid earthquake destroyed St. Louis Missouri.

I had this dream and then the Fukushima meltdown happened and all of the flooding in the Midwest took place.

This video log is an experiences I had at Applebees with an ADC or After death communication.


Dark (K)Nights of the Soul – Matters of the Heart – Medicate or Not to Medicate – PTSD

Khris Speaks

Volume XIII


This will probably be one of my more difficult to write posts. Many of the posts I write are dealing directly with MK Ultra and Military Abduction experiences. I relay the details and spare nobody from the harsh reality. It would be an injustice to the reader and the tortured souls dealing with the trauma and pain of their own experiences to sugar coat the truth. The truth is a sharp knife and I have no compunction about stabbing it into all life everywhere.

I consider myself to be resilient and able to handle most conditions life interjects into my world.  I have always risen up after being knocked down and I’m pleased with that aspect of myself.  The battle I’m in now is the most difficult battle I’ve ever faced. I’m battling demons, literally and figuratively, my own mortality as a child and the fallout of years of MK Ultra programming. I’ve got the scars, literally and figuratively, implants, memories, and like everyone else, I still have to live, eat, sleep and survive. I say survive, because if you’ve been in these programs, you probably aren’t really living. We eek out an existence at best and it’s unfortunate.

I like to use supplements like vitamins and minerals and eat organic foods. I enjoy exercise, nutrition and junk food too. I do not use the services of doctors and I detest pharmaceuticals, drugs and pills. I think people over use medical services and take pills as a crutch in many cases instead of dealing with problems directly. I appreciate deep breathing techniques and nature sounds to relax and calm myself after a stressful day or event.

Since October of 2011, when the damn broke and stagnant, filthy waters of thirty years of programming surfaced, I’ve had a difficult time of handling things the usual way. The nightmares, shakes, panic and rage attacks are not shut off by breathing and relaxing. St John’s wart and amino acids no longer calm my mood. Herbal tea and meditation cannot curb the wave of emotions and physical side effects. This leaves me in a predicament. I do not want to medicate. I feel it is a sign of weakness and defeat. The medications have side effects and are harmful long term to our bodies. I tell myself, I’ve only had three months to handle the situation and the PTSD is normal. I have to be careful. I’ve had a few panic and rage attacks at work. I get really jumpy and edgy. I work alone, but I don’t want to get caught in an awkward situation. The businesses I work for have been very good to me over the years and I don’t want to let them down. I tell myself, just get a prescription to take the edge off and treat the PTSD. I figure some sort of anti-anxiety pill will be o.k. I know how things work though. You start with a milligram of some pill and six months later it becomes two milligrams and you get the point. I tell myself that I need to mature into the PTSD and learn to cope and handle it. It will get better over time? Then there’s the question about what I tell the doctor or psychologist about my symptoms. What do I tell them? Do I mention MK Ultra, sexual abuse or ritualistic satanic abuse?  My mind almost shuts down thinking about all of this.

I don’t want the programmers and Luciferians running the show to see this. I’m sure it gives them great pleasure to think one of their “Chosen Ones” is struggling.  That alone makes me want to forget the whole idea of medicating. I’m just tired and weary of screaming and punching inanimate objects and then shaking for two hours afterwards. I want to at least try to have a normal life with what precious time we have left before the world goes bat shit with upheavals.

The Dark Knights showed up again last night after my rage attack. I had finally calmed down and the quick release Melatonin was actually working. Then, all of a sudden the room pulsed with total darkness two or three times and the dark shadows walked along the walls. I was pissed. After another horrible evening, my abductors, the military abductors had arrived for yet another episode. I was too exhausted to try and stay awake. I just gave in and went to sleep.

It kills me inside to submit a post like this to the public to read and critique. I just don’t have anybody in my life to talk about these things with. I do have one beloved great friend I trust. She has her own issues to handle, so a courtesy to her, I try not to put her on overwhelm with my problems.

I always say, I’m a survivor and not a victim. Am I a victim if I medicate? I can’t answer this question for myself at this time.


Close Encounters of the 5th Kind with Grays

Khris Speaks

Volume XII


This post will describe an encounter I had with the all too well known Grays. The intriguing, four foot tall ETs with almond shaped eyes that have been documented, loved and hated and are probably the most controversial ET race.

In the fall of 2010, I had an onrush of contact activities with extra terrestrials and one of those experiences was profound to understate the event. I was comfortably sleeping when I awoke to find two thin forms standing next to my bed. It was unmistakable, the beings were the Grays. Yes, those other worldly beings made famous by Whitley Strieber were standing next to my bed. What happened next was quite unbelievable, even with an entire life of so called paranormal and anomalous activities.

As soon as my eyes and their lenses met, I was instantly out of bed and standing between the two beings. They both turned and faced south and I instantly turned with them. We began to move in unison like a train. One of the Grays was the engine; I was the box car in the middle and the one behind me, the caboose. I was not in control of my movements. Their will moved me and I’m certain my feet never touched the floor. I was diverted from my bedroom into my reading and contemplation room at the other end of my house.

Before I reveal their correspondence, I want to qualify their statement in advance. It became known to me I would be going on a journey at an unknown point in time. I would be going on a journey to somewhere else in the solar system. I was curious as to whether I would travel in my physical body or by some other method. They contacted me on that spellbinding night to answer a question I only asked in my mind.

After we arrived in the reading room, one of the Grays spoke to me. The Grays always speak telepathically. He said, “Your lungs are going to fail.” Then he said, “I’m sorry.” His comment was an answer to whether or not I would travel elsewhere in the solar system in my physical body. I replied to what he said, but I do not remember my response. After I replied to the communication, the Grays turned and walked through the wall of the reading room. They vanished into thin air! I stood there for a moment trying to grasp the enormity of the encounter. This visitation was a big deal for me. Several hours later, I woke up in my bed.

I believe the encounter happened in my etheric or astral body. I was too calm and poised in light of such a profound encounter to have not experienced the adrenalin release an individual would experience in the physical body. Nonetheless, the encounter was real and I will never forget it. Also, in closing, I use the term “he” loosely. The Grays seem to have an androgynous spirit, but my perception may be incorrect.


Straight Talk with Khris – Follow up Comments

Khris Speaks

Volume XI


This post is a response to your supporter from O’Finioan’s web blog. I couldn’t reply to your comment and what I had to say after reading your response was so much, I decided to respond to you on my blog.  First, thanks for taking the time to listen to the YouTube recording and for responding.

Your response:

This is actually to Khris about the “Dream” he recorded. I think you know that was no dream. I cannot go into why. My question is, why are you aiding and abetting that satanic bastard? He has appointed himself dictator. You let him stroke your ego. We’re all being told to forget about it, forget the slaughter of MKULTRA and like related genocidal programs that are still ongoing, forget our own torture and forget helping the innocents today. I say I will never forget! and don’t let the crazy/discredit myself programming act up either. The militias are tightly wound. I am concerned about that.

My response:

Let me first start with the children. Please don’t think for a moment the children aren’t on my mind constantly. I’ve been to the national center for exploited and missing children website. The stats are very sad. There are a couple hundred thousand children abducted by their own parents in custody struggles. We all know where the other 450,000 to 500,000 children go. Yes, perhaps a few of them are in cages at a sex perverts house or raped and buried in the woods someplace. We know where the vast majority of the children after that  go. It’s amazing how they just disappear without a trace. Not even an eye lash is left behind.

I realize these diplomatic/official dreams are not dreams. I don’t want a bunch of black  SUV’s  parked outside my house, so I report the experiences as dreams. I guess that goes along with choosing your battles carefully.

The main thing I disagree with you on is the aiding and abetting comment. I was there to simply get him to understand his actions could start an uprising or civil war.  I think the aid was to the people of the planet who would suffer considerably if  the U.S.A were to go to civil war. Satanic, now I totally agree with you on that.

Now we can get to the ego part of  this communication. I was raised in central Illinois, the son of a coal miner. My mother was a farm girl. I had very humble beginnings and still do today. I went swimming in a muddy lakes, cat fishing and worked on my car in my teen years. If you were to meet me in person and have oatmeal cookies or bread pudding, hopefully both without raisins, I think you would find me down-to-earth with no major chips on my shoulders. It was obvious growing up I was not like the other kids. I got picked on a lot and it got damn violent in high school. I survived with bumps, bruises, cuts etc. The emotional toll was overwhelming. I was the underdog, the guy who was not likely to ‘succeed’ and all that typical high school bullshit.  So, yes, please don’t think for a minute that when I returned from that out of body experience, I didn’t feel a little boosted in the ego department. Imagine all the popular and rich kids laughing at you and shit during what are supposed to be your best years. Now, imagine, twenty years later, traveling alone, time traveling, with the President of the United States and politely telling him to get with the program. I was a little, only a little,  puffed up in the ego department.

The president is intelligent, but he appears to have the emotional intelligence of a twelve year old. I was freaking thrilled somebody in his entourage stood with me to convince him to back down. It was like a mother catching her son with a Bob Marley marijuana t-shirt and fighting over whether he could wear it to school.  That’s about how he reacted to my concerns.

I cannot any longer, after the emotional release I recently experienced, struggle with the good and bad shit. At this point in time, dictator, no dictator, Luciferian or not Luciferian, fight and struggle emotionally over what is right or wrong. It was killing me and making me hate life. Barack Obama has his role to play and I have mine. We all have our roles and some are the good guys and some are bad. I don’t care anymore  whether it’s good or bad; I just want to be happy and do what I came to do.

With all this said, I just have one question to my higher self, God, etc. There are seven, count them, seven billion people on the Earth in bodies of flesh and blood. How the hell did I out of those seven billion end up going from corn fields to consulting with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (Out of the Body?) about  how their decisions affect the entire planet. Oh, I’d really love for my inner sight to open and reveal this.  You know what they say, be careful what you ask for… …
