Category: Ass Chewin’

A Serious Message From Duncan O’Finioan

Posted with permission. No comments or words of my own are included.


2013 … A New Year, or a Nightmare …pt 1
Well, here we are. At the end of the year 2012.
The world didn’t blow up and no body ascended. Big surprise, right? Yeah, I know …
OK, I haven’t written anything for quite a while. Been kind of busy. Things to do, problems to take care of.
A lot of time (well ok, a little time) over the past few weeks has been spent putting an end to the
whole FWH/Idylwild group. Yep, all done. All information and evidence has been turned over to the Feds.
Now, what they do, if anything, is up to them. I really don’t care. Want to know why?
That’s right. No time left. It’s here.
You think 2012 was bad? Well, just like the song says, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Are you ready? Good! ‘Cause here goes:
OH, wait. During the past several months “some people” have tried very hard to “find out things about me.”
Yeah, I know, it’s funny.
But here you go.
Hi! My name is Duncan. A lot of people call me Bobby — I answer to that, too.
I’m barely 5ft 7in tall, I weigh 234 lbs, I have 18 inch arms and a 33 inch waist and I can run a mile flat out (sorry, no bum knee).
I like to listen to AC/DC while I drive. Fast. Really, really fast.
AND I have a couple of famous cousins. One being Dakota Fanning.
Now I hope this helps all you brown nosers out there.
We done with this?
Good! Let’s move on …
This coming year is the beginning of the end game. This is something Miranda and I have talked much on over the past
few years. Mostly with Randy Maugans and Dave Corso. I would suggest you go back and give them a listen.
We are going to say much the same here as we have talked about in those interviews. You see, we don’t change.
Never have, never will. We don’t put out dates for things to happen and then, when it doesn’t, just push the date ahead,
then try and blame the “space brothers being late” for the change of date. BS.
That’s a good place to start. The “space brothers.” Guess what? It ain’t happening! Deal with it.
Neither is ascension, or the rapture, or Nesara or TPTB all being arrested and a new heaven on earth … debt free!
Get this straight … A WAR IS COMING! Hell, it has been building with people and events being put into place for hundreds
of years!You think TPTB/NWO has lost? That they’re going to go away? Then you’re a fool.
If I hurt your feelings with that statement … GOOD! It’s time you ALL started thinking for yourselves!
Have you taken a really good look around you lately? It’s time you did. See ANY changes for the good? You won’t.
Things are only going to get worse. MUCH worse, and damn soon. This is it, boys and girls. The war for your souls.
Ha,ha,ha…no, I’m not a bible-thumper. Although, a lot of what is in the bible is valid. Remember, much of the bible was taken
from much older writings.
This war is about the human soul. Not the only thing … but a very big part of it. And … I know this is something most of you do not want to hear.
Well, it’s about damn time you heard the truth and I hope it slaps you in the face and rattles your teeth!
Now hear this, None of you are going to ascend! There will be no space brothers to beam your ass away and God don’t want you for a neither a sun nor a moonbeam!
It doesn’t matter how many times you go to Egypt with “meditation groups” or believe what a wrapped up mummy ET tells you … THE ONLY PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET
Pissed off yet?
GOOD! I’m just getting started.
This planet, Earth, isn’t the only location this war is affecting. That’s right, humans aren’t at the top of the food chain like most of you
want to believe.
But … BUT. Humans have something the bad guys want. Your soul. And boys and girls, they want it bad!
You see, the human soul is pure energy. Doesn’t matter if it’s dark or bright, it’s still pure energy.
That is want “they” want. They want you as an energy source. Some of you have given your soul over to them freely already. Most
of you for a cheap asking price, too, by the way.
Hate to break the news to ya but, you’re lost, gone. Once you give your soul to another via your own free will, that contract is binding!
You might want to read that several more times, all of you who are sitting on the fence with your soul.
Now then, as my very old friend Dusty Rhodes would say, let’s move on.
WE have been fighting this war for a very, very long time and our time is almost here.
You see, there are a few of us whose job is to TRY and let the human race have a fighting chance. Some of us do care.
We received an email some time ago that said, “It seems like you don’t care much for the human race.”
The human race (as a whole) has spit in our faces and kicked us when we were down. Has laughed at us, shunned us, and mostly treated us
like crap (note” US refers to ALL who are fighting for the the human race. NOT just Miranda and myself and MK ULTRA people).
So, let me respond to that person’s email here.
This is what I said to a large council where the debate was whether or not the human race should be allowed to continue.
I said, “The human race deserves a right to learn and grow without outside influence. To stand and walk on their own!”
(Yes, I made my Godmother proud! He,he, sorry couldn’t resist).
Yes, boys and girls, there are those out there willing to die for the human race to have a fighting chance. Are you?
So, what’s on the way?”They” are going to take away your guns for one, and going to do it soon! Like, in weeks.
Here’s a little something for all you to think about…
Remember all those reports of foreign troops being brought in to have “joint training excerises with American troops?” Remember those times?
Anyone remember them … uh … leaving?
Didn’t think so. They have a job to do and all of you will be seeing them on the streets very soon.
All the mass killings over the past several years have been but a part of “their” plan, and over half of the population of this country
have fallen for their BS! Much like you have fallen for the New Age crap and a good deal of the co-opted and impotent “alternative media.”

But, you all want to know what the kicker is?
OK. All the gun grabbing with martial law, the collapse of the dollar and the U.S economy is nothing but a cover for what will really happen!
Just keeps getting deeper and darker, doesn’t it? Well, it is about that time.
If I took the time to write everything that is going to happen here my fingers would fall off! Hey, I kinda need them, I have several archery
tournaments to compete in soon.
If you must die, then die with your soul intact!
After all, there really is no such thing as death.
Now, what are you going to do?
Start looking for more dates to lock onto? Go for it.
Find another guru to follow? Done a lot of good in the past, hasn’t it?
Find yourself another new age radio host to follow. OK, even I think that one is funny.
Want my advice?
Well then stop reading!
Here it is anyway …
Start acting like humans! Not slaves!
Get off your damn knees and start fighting!
Won’t work until you get off your ass, first.
We need all the help we can get.
For us, this little prayer works to help us keep our chins up:
Lo there do I see my father
Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers
Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the begining
LO they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them
In the halls of VALHALLA
Where the brave may live
It’s time to be brave….are you ready?

About This Blog ♦ If You Don’t Like My Message, Then F**K Off!

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXVI


After a year, it’s time I establish a few points-in-general about the purpose of this web-blog. From word-one, I want to make it understood to all readers of this blog, past, present and future, I am not part of any ‘movement’. I’m not part of any truth, disclosure nor any other movement, organized, unorganized or implied. I operate this blog as an independent voice from all movements and organizations. I offer my testimony for self-healing as a service to any persons seeking answers and confirmations to their own experiences. I dedicate this blog to the children of all black-projects, who’ve been kidnapped, abused, programmed and killed by forces so sinister, it would stagger the minds of an unsuspecting humanity if they were aware. I publish this blog because my heart tells me so.

Some questioning of my motives and intentions have recently surfaced on other blogs and venues. I offer the testimony of my black-projects experiences on a take-it or leave-it basis. I owe nobody an explanation; I answer to nobody on the subject of dis-closing my life in the ultra-black programs like MK-Ultra. I’ve earned the right to say my peace. For over thirty years, I didn’t ask questions, I just followed orders. That is general order number one for MK-Ultra assassins. The time to “follow orders” has ended; now it’s time for me and all of YOU to be asking questions. Enough is enough. If you don’t like the message relayed by this blog to you, then don’t read it. If you do appreciate what I’m attempting to do with this blog, then for the love of God or whatever you wish to call your source, please help in any manner constructive.


Duncan O’Finioan – Closing Remarks to Michael Hemmingson

The sentences and paragraphs in black are Michael Hemmingson. The sentences and paragraphs in blue and italicized are Duncan O’Finioan’s rebuttal to Michael Hemmingson. Other than the email addresses involved, I did not change nor modify the exchange in any manner.
From: Mike Hemmingson>
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: Fraud
Duncan/Bobby Joe or whatever your name is,
Michael, you can call me whatever name you wish — that really doesn’t matter to me at all.
Someone sent me the message below, that you posted on FB, as well as your email.
Are you sure you got it from someone on Facebook, or did you read it where I posted it for the Idylwild Group? Yes, I made sure you got it.
First, I find it weird that someone who claims to be against the black ops people and thinks the CIA monitors him would use the CIA-controlled Facebook data mining project; it is like your claiming to make use of government agencies for your revenge: you are a hypcrite.You say I’m a “hypcrite” [sic] for using Facebook and other social media. Well, Michael, so do you. Second, one learns to use the tools and weapons at their disposal. Third, this isn’t about “revenge”. But funny you should use the word revenge. I think that fits you and the little group very well.
I ain’t FHW, buddy. Sorry. I am flattered you think I am. He was, after all, witty, funny, intelligent, had (as he reported) 10 million hits to his blog, was widely syndicated, and widely read. But it ain’t me. Keep thinking that and I will keep laughing at the rabbithole you and others fell into. And consider this: someone you know, or think you know, someone you trust, has been working against you.Of course you are not FWH. FHW is a fictitious entity. Something you know a great deal about. Isn’t it you who uses a multitude of online personae? I wouldn’t be flattered, fella. There’s nothing there to be flattered about. And, yes, he was widely syndicated and widely read, because certain individuals made sure of that, didn’t they? Yes, please do keep laughing. And it would seem that once again, you quote FHW — or is it just that you can’t help yourself from using the same verbiage in multiple personalities? Of course there are people we know that have been working against us. We always know.
I do not buy into the FWH/Idywild Group’s assessment that you are a clone, or son of Crowley, or ever were in MKUltra. I know you are a fraud, and you are frightened that will come out.  Aaron McCollum gave me a lot of info on you last week, as did Anthony Forwood; I know what Forwood dug up on you and McCollum told me about the game you, he and Miranda AX aka Allison, and Dave Corso, pulled. I know that when you lived in Pahrump that you and Corso made up this story to get on local fame guy, Art Bell’s, show, as a lark. Then Kerry interviewed you, and with YouTube you got all this attention and you liked it; never in your life had people listened to you or gave you such attention, so you milked it, got on Jesse Ventura’s show with a scripted scenario and Corso as the mystery van man with a re-occuring role. You thought you could milk a book and movie deal from this fabrication. Now you have conned so many people
that if the truth came out, it would ruin you.
Oh wow, thanks Michael. You don’t buy in to FHW/Idylwild Group’s assessment. But just like those two groups, you double speak. You just can’t seem to make up your mind. Now, Michael, read the rest of this paragraph very closely. Thank you for using Aaron McCollum and Anthony Forwood’s names in this email. I appreciate that. So let’s continue on, and set the record straight. You say Aaron McCollum gave you a lot of information on me, as did Anthony Forwood. First of all, since you’re in touch with Aaron McCollum, please tell him we would like at least some of the money back that we gave him for his rent, his food, his cell phone, etc. We can never get back the sleepless hours of being up with him on the phone “calming him down” when he had an episode. And since you’re so good at digging up information, maybe you need to speak to his sister about those events. Or maybe his father, who, after all, lives in Pahrump Nevada. And please, also inform Mr. McCollum that Dave Corso would at least like a thank you for opening his door, his home, and giving him a place to stay and providing him food and providing him clothing for all those months.Continuing on with Aaron for just another moment; In case you haven’t noticed, he lies. He’s good at it. Maybe that’s why the two of you are such bed buddies. I will get to Mr. Forwood momentarily. You say that there was a game we tried to pull concerning trying to get on Art Bell’s radio show? What a load of crap. I guess no one informed you that Dave Corso and Art Bell … didn’t really like each other. I also guess you weren’t informed that coast to Coast AM producers contacted me without any prompting on my part to be on that show. Of which I declined. You just don’t get it, do you? You really don’t. Then you talk about where Kerry Cassidy interviewed me and all the attention I got from that. Seriously? That is something I wish I had never done. Asnd let’s cover briefly the Jesse Ventura show. You say it was a scripted scenario. No shit Sherlock, it’s called TV. That does not, however, belie the fact that evcerything I said in that episode was true. It was true then, and it’s true now.You say I thought I could milk a book and a movie deal? One more time, let me set the record straight. We have turned down two movie offers, and if I really wanted to get into movies or TV, I would simply pick up the phone and call my cousin Dakota. And as far as a book deal, you are well aware, I know, that we own our own publishing company. Now, I will apologize, Michael, that books like ours don’t sell as well as books like yours. There’s just no accounting for taste, is there. I find it very interesting that your books are disgusting pedophile candy, and here we are on the other side risking our lives to stop the many pedophiles who run and are involved in these projects. Since you are so obviously pro-pedophilia, which is putting it mildly, it really makes us wonder why you are so desperate to try and smear our names when all we have ever wanted was to stop the torture and abuse of children. Funny how that seems to get oh-so-conveniently-forgotten.

Now finishing this paragraph with Anthony Forwood. You mean he’s still pissed because I refused to do an interview with him? But just like Aaron McCollum, I’m so glad you put his name in this email. It’s tying up loose ends, and I must say, after re-reading this paragraph from you, I have to say Michael, it’s bleeding green. It would seem that, after spending so long on your last radio show accusing others of envy and jealousy, it is you who are envious and jealous. But then again, that’s just my opinion, isn’t it?

Frankly, I am surprised you managed to get a GED because your spelling and grammar, based on the note you wrote below, is at best fifth grade quality. Men like your grandfather who talked shit about the educational degrees of others os like a mouse making fun of the elepahnt about to stomp down a foot: that is, ridiculing some bigger and greater, what they can never be. This is common among the ignorant hillbillies of the USA.
Well, Michael, that may be true, but I guess you didn’t spell check this email either, sis you? And you’re cheap shot at my grandfather is so childish. It really is. My grandfather was a highly decorated war veteran. And you’re what now? Oh yeah, that’s right. You write pedophile novels. I gotta say, that’s one hell of a comparison. And I’m glad that you brought up ignorant hillbillies. I’ve shown this email around to a couple of the gyms and archery shops that I frequent, and they are extremely amused. So amused, that if I were you, I don’t think I would ever plan a vacation in Hillbilly country. I think, Michael, what I’m trying to say in this paragraph, is that no one finds you amusing. Everyone finds you just as pathetic and disgusting as we do. You try to flaunt your PhD, your pathetic excuse for a radio show, your disgusting book ‘genre’, over everyone’s heads, and all you do is end up with one foot in your ass and the other in your mouth. You have a PhD and it has gotten you where? Doing what? For whom? Hope it was worth it.
The truth will come out. I plan a future radio show on your scam, Allison’s scam, and McCollum will come on and verify it. You and I both know what he knows, and you have threatened his life over it like you have threatened others, and now me. The note you wrote below is full of enough threats for me to get a restraining order on you, and I will. Someone gave me your address in Lexington to have the order served on your fat ass.
The truth will come out. Oh, you better believe that one, fella. It sure will come out. ALL of it. All of it, and about each and every person involved, from the top to the bottom. You say you plan a future radio show on our “scam” and you’re going to have McCollum to verify it? May I quote some words that you and everyone else involved, which includes in case you haven’t figured it out yet, McCollum, Forwood, and a couple of more that, at this time, will remain nameless. These words Michael, are this: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. In case you haven’t figured this out as well, we have amassed more than enough information and evidence through our attorney to prosecute you and everyone else involved. And please, tell Aaron to remember who it was that he came crying to to get an interview with Kerry Cassidy. And please, remind Kerry Cassidy that she said, and I quote: “I knew everything Aaron was saying in those interviews were lies.” Oh yes, the truth most definitely will come out. And yes, I do know what he knows, and I have never threatened his life over anything I know. He quite simply isn’t worth the time. And neither are you. That, Michael, is why I’m letting the courts handle this. Didn’t get what you wanted there, did you? Oh, and please, your pathetic threat about having a restraining order issued against me for threatening you? Really. Michael. Let me clue you in on a little something: People have IP addresses of each and every threatening email sent to us by you and others with the name Former White Hat. And Michael, they match perfectly. The IP addresses where you commented on Randy Maugans’ website. Just another example where you wasted your time earning a PhD.
Then again, maybe not. It seems you are all bark with no bite, all hot air. You have threatened many people but you never act. You are the scumbag, who has conned and fooled so many with your bogus MK Ultra super unit story.
You say my bark is worse than my bite and I’m all hot air and that I have threatened many people. Really. If you wish to say by my “threatening” someone, you mean me telling a person who has threatened me to grow a pair and bring it, then I don’t know what to say. I guess your idea of threatening someone and mine are completely different. I guess maybe you mean by threatening like you said in one of the emails you sent to us that you would have your group kidnap one of my family. Is that what you mean by threatening? I don’t threaten people, Michael. It’s not my style, it’s not my way. I will, however, without prejudice, defend myself, my loved ones and my family, in each and every way that is necessary. Now I offer to you the same as I have offered to everyone else who has written, posted, and via phone message, threatened me with physical harm and called me a fake. Come see for yourself. I’ll be in Las Vegas next month. Door’s wide open. Here’s your chance to prove you’re a man. Now, is that threatening? No. In my mind, that’s being a man. Call me old school, call it what you want, but it’s my way. If people want to threaten me, say they can do all these things to me, and then when given a chance, they run crying saying I threatened them — no no, no more. You people wanted to see how far we could be pushed. You just found out. No more. Now we we push back, and believe me, you people will not like it. You say I’m a fake, I’m a fraud? Come prove it. Come face to face and prove it to everyone. It’s that simple. In “Hillbilly” terms, Michael, it’s called put up or shut up.
Then again, if it is true, it is rightful to say that you are still under their control. You said yourself you have no control of your alters being activated. How do you know you were not one of the masked gunmen at Auroa? How do you know you were not activated? If your story is true, YOU are still THEIR BITCH.
Amazing here, Michael, how once again you point an accusing finger using word for word what was posted by the Idylwild Group. You continually out yourself. And I also see you still have no compassion for those people’s families. You truly are a disgusting piece of work. How do I know I wasn’t activcated? It’s simple, Michael. I haven’t traveled in a very long time. And then you say if my story is true I am still their bitch? Again, make up your mind. Am I fake or am I being used by the government? You can’t seem to decide on anything. You sound like a politician.There are those who say you should be comletely ignored, but I draw the line at being implicated personally in more than one of the tragic slaughters that have horrified the country and the world. It’s one thing to read ridiculous B movie garbage, but this is something else completely. You not only libel me, but spit on the devastation and grief of those poor victims who were actually affected.This ends it, Michael. As of now, it’s all turned over to the authorities., What they do with it is completely up to them. Make no mistake, I will sit on a witness stand, and I really don’t care who gets arrested with this. I want everyone involved to go down and go down hard. People have stated that you are obsessed with commentators and with being given publicity because it makes you notorious and controversial. Go back and read your emails, Michael. Remember what I told you months and months ago. Don’t start this. I will finish it. And I will continue with this through the legal system until I hear you pronounced guilty. Now you can laugh this off, you can go do your radio shows. Please do. More evidence the merrier. I’m sure you’ll be in good company in County lockup until you’re transferred.

A Message From Duncan O’Finioan – Very Important!

Re-posted from FaceBook with permission. No words or commentary of my own are included.

Well, Mikey. A.k.a Michael Hemmingson, a.k.a. Former whitehat, a.k.a. All personalities of the Idylwild group, a.k.a. Dr. Hemmingson, a.k.a. Somebody’s little bitch. Lets address the Dr. Hemmingson first. Or as you say now, PhD. Oh hoora. My grandfather had a name for people like you, he called them “educated fools.” You have a PhD, I could give a shit. In cultural anthropology, I guess that gives you a real insight in how to play multiple people online. Well, Dr., all I got is a GED, and a kick ass give em hell attitude. After reading all of your posts, on my friend, Randy Maughans, and listening to your endless drivel on your last show of December the 12th of this year, you are more pathetic than I ever thought possible. You stated during your radio show about you, that you pay the upkeep of three separate apartments, the expenses of all three, your child, and your baby’s mama, your words not mine. One thing I know, poor finances makes you easy pickings to do someone else’s bidding. Michael, you have been busted so many times that I’ve lost count. Your ISP addresses from San Diego and Mexico all match up, not only to the post that you have done on the blog of Randy Maughans, but also to the most vulgar, vile, threatening emails that you sent to me, my blog, and my website. In many of those emails, you not only threatened me, (in your dreams pissant) you threatened family, and loved ones. That is a big no no. Doofus. All of which I assure you, have been copied, printed, and sent to many, MANY others. You will not get away with your bullshit, Dr., Mr. Educated Idiot, Mr. Whitehat, somebody’s little bitch.

Michael, you have falsely accused me over the past several months of being involved in some extremely heinous acts that have gone on throughout this country. One being the Aurora Colorado shooting incident. A lie, Michael. Punishable in court. The temple shooting in Wisconsin, again a lie. Punishable in court. And several others. However, not even I thought that You could stoop any lower than your comment that you sent to Randy Maughans today. In your “roundabout ways” you have pointed the finger at myself and others from these damnable MKA ULTRA mind control programs, to the mass knifing in china and the shooting incident in the state of Connecticut today (December 14th, 2012). I guess what some peoplesay is true, some just have no shame. You are total scum. You jackwagon little stack of shit.

A long time ago, I swore an oath to protect mankind. The human race, and the innocent in general. Michael, here is where it becomes very complicated. You are not innocent. Nor is anyone complacent within your group, nor is anyone innocent who could support you. Nor is anyone that could work with you, knowing what you have done, what you have written, the things you have said etc etc. They are just as evil as you. Justice will come upon you, Michael and all those that you either serve, or take orders from. Whether it be O.N.I, Kerry Cassidy, or anyone else. As an aside, tell me Kerry Cassidy, (I know you are reading this) do you still think all of this is just funny? Do you still think “former whitehat” is funny”? There is nothing funny about this bullshit. There’s nothing funny about degrading innocent people. There’s nothing funny about slandering, there’s nothing funny about slandering and intentionally causing pain to others. Kerry, you who said long ago when you sold out, and you now exactly what I’m talking about. When you did the David Wilcock, Jack Burns, poor David being threatened radio show, that was the last straw from me as far as you are concerned. When will you tell the truth? That the third party on that interview, that so many people out there in your listening universe thought was in a space craft millions and millions of miles away was actually jack burns sitting most likely Australia. When will you admit that that was nothing but a dog and pony show? And then after that, you have the audacity to begin asking people that you interview what they think about me. Just because I rarely ever comment about anything does not mean I don’t listen. I speed read, I speed listen, and I have a photographic memory. I see words, and I forget nothing. And I forgive very damn little. This bullshit of the former Whitehat and of the Idylwild group, Kerry Cassidy, Michel Hemmingson, David Wilcock, Sean David Morton, Richard C. Hoagland, ends now. Either you people come clean about it, and end it, or by the gods, I will. Kerry, you know me. You know who I really am, you know why I’m really here, and you full well what I am really, truly capable of. I will end this charade. Too many lives are at stake, the very future of the human race is at stake. Not this group’s pathetic needs or wants. Michael Hemmingson, you have done nothing but misdirect any accusation made against you. You try to say that the Kerry Cassidy show is second only to coast to coast am, then answer me one question: why the fuck is she only on revolution radio? And the same goes for you, and the same goes for Sean David Morton, and by the way Sean, how’d it feel to be told to shut the hell up on stage? Bet you’ve never had that happen before. This, all of this, ends now. Now you guys can go and do your interviews, your radio shows, piss, bitch, whine, cry and moan about people attacking you, wanting to get you down. Just wanting to hold you back. Two words for each of you: horseshit. Each and every one of you had quoted there’s more at stake here, you’re damn right there’s more at stake here. Because in the scheme of things, and read very carefully Michel, in the whole scheme of things none of you are important. End this, fix this, make it truthful, or I will.

Please click the archery video to activate

An Addendum: White Hats Reports are FAKE!

Khris Speaks

Volume LXXI


I’ve been busy this week and I’ve wanted to add an addendum to my post about Michael Hemmingson, aka Former White Hat, TheIdylwildgroup, Louis Kahn Nin and so on. I intended to mention The White Hats Reports in my expose’ on Michael Hemmingson. These reports appear (yet again) to be the work of Michael Hemmingson. There may be co-authors to these White Hats Reports, but I’m notifying my WordPress family and the conspiracy community- be HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS of these White Hats Reports.  These reports are as fake as Obama’s birth certificate. There is nothing worth reading in the so-called White Hats Reports. Kerry Cassidy has been pushing these on her website since at least February of 2011. They have the writing style and methods of Michael Hemmingson. Why does Kerry force trash down the throat of her listeners?  Why is she involved in these intelligence ops?

Here is my recent blog post on this Former White Hat aka Michael Hemmingson garbage:

Below is a message left on my blog recently. The message is allegedly from ‘The T Man‘, author or one of the authors of the White Hats Reports. He was sharing with me a blog post he wrote on his spoof blog, TheIdylWildgroup. The is authored by Michael Hemmingson. The I.P. address traces back to San Diego, home of Michael Hemmingson. He leaves his bread crumbs everywhere and is very sloppy trying to hide his true identity.

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Kerry talks on her blog about working with the White Hats. Hmmm.

Here are The White Hats reports sites:

Enjoy this garbage.

Below is a snippet from the Former White Hat blog. Http:// This blog is maintained by Michael Hemmingson aka Former White Hat.  The Former White Hat blog is garbage and satire.

Here is a link to a video on YouTube. Kerry Cassidy allows T-Man of the White Hats Reports to speak on her Freedomslips show. Is it Michael Hemmingson aka Former White Hat  speaking? Listen to the digitized voice on this show. You can change your voice with free software from the internet. You can here the voice digitize on several occasions. This means the person is masking their real voice. I bet it is Michael Hemmingson. What do you think?

Take a look at the Avatar or Icon the White Hats Report blog uses.

This is the image Michael Hemmingson aka Former White Hat uses on his blog

Both Former White Hat on his blog and the T-Man speaking on Cassidy’s radio show talk about the “rabbit hole”. Please do not read those White Hats Reports and go down the rabbit hole full of rabbit droppings. Forewarned is forewarned. Don’t be suckers.


Attacks & Protections

Khris Speaks

Volume LXIX


Many, many people, the world over, are under attacks from various sources. Energy attacks, psychic attacks, scalar and electronic, demonic, satellite attacks, the list goes on and on. People who are diamond shining lights, healers, survivors of MK-Ultra, spiritual people, people on the planet from “other” places, are all under attack. You can even be under attack and not realize it. Many people are experiencing fatigue and health problems as the attacks continue to get more sophisticated by the day. In order to combat this never-ending issue, we must acknowledge the attack immediately and then do something to stop it. If you have anger, resentment, irritation, suspicion and a myriad of other issues, crop-up out of nowhere, you must address these issues immediately. Allowing the attacks to build momentum is unacceptable. We must do spiritual reinforcements, several times-per-day if needed, to protect ourselves against attacks of any kind. Take a few minutes, go off into some quiet place and do some protection work for yourself and your home environment. Immediately, as you identify a problem, stop and address it. Do not let the attack fester and grow. Disallow the attack to become a monster for several hours or days. Many of these attacks are very, very subtle and creep in to our auras and minds while we sleep. Several months ago, I woke up very angry and irritated at people who were never anything but kind and pleasant towards me. This was a very subtle attack and once I realized what it was, I took aggressive action to stop it. I did some spiritual reinforcements and the attack was defeated. Don’t forget to use your essential oils, salt, silver and crystals. You can smudge too and the list of protections goes on infinitely. If a person is susceptible to attacks of any kind and they don’t apply adequate protections, they will just have to suffer. I don’t want anybody to suffer any more than they already have. Take your stance against the darkness; refuse to be a pin-cushion or a punching bag for the Illuminati and dark forces.  The decision is yours, the Illuminati and dark lords have made theirs, haven’t they?

Randy Maugans of, posted this article on the 18th of this month. It appears White Wolf and his circle of friends and family are all being attacked by energy too. Here is the link to the article:


Michael Hemmingson is Former White Hat & Louis Kahn Nin – Period!

Khris Speaks


This blog post will be lengthy and may tax your patience. I will tie Former White Hat, Louis Khan Nin and Michael Hemmingson into one abso-fracking-lutely combustible fire-storm before the time you finish this blog post. I’ll examine the relationship Former White Hat has with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. Then, I’ll examine a potential connection Michael Hemmingson has with the Super-Soldier Summit. I’ll ask the reader to examine why information from my personal emails and phone calls find their way onto the Former White Hat’s blog. Next, I’ll examine how Michael Hemmingson, from Revolution Radio, interviews whistle blowers and dis-closers and then defames and attempts to discredit them on his blog as Former White Hat. I’ll prove to the readers using Michael Hemmingson’s own words, how he likes to set up WordPress blogs to ‘slam’ people. Finally, I’ll examine the potential relationship Mr. Michael Hemmingson has with military-intelligence agencies and finally, The Temple Set, a satanic organization. We’ll take a look at the Idyllwild and Thomas Pynchon connections too.

Based on my investigation into Former White Hat aka Michael Hemmingson, the questions which need answered are:

1. Why would Michael Hemmingson interview conspiracy dis-closers and whistle blowers on Revolutio Radio and then write humiliating and libelous posts about them on his Former White Hat blog? Is this not a CIA trojan-horse tactic; pretend to respect the whistle blower, then trash them behind their backs to discredit them.

2. Why would Revolutio Radio allow Michael Hemmingson to interview whistle blowers on their network and them humiliate and libel the same people on his Former White Hat blog? Does Revolution Radio know Michael Hemmingson is trashing their own interview-ees and dis-closers? Will Michael Hemmingson still be hosting Revolution Radio when the network learns of his deception?

3. Why does Kerry Cassidy constantly give shout-outs to Former White Hat aka Michael Hemmingson? Kerry knows Former White Hat is Michael Hemmingson, so why would Kerry allow Michael to sub for her on Revolution Radio radio if he’s going to trash her and Camelot’s whistle blowers? What connection does Project Camelot have to Michael Hemmingson? Why does Kerry Cassidy interview former insiders and whistle blowers on Project Camelot and then laugh about the libelous filth and trash Michael writes about the people she interviews? Why would Kerry allow this?

4. On several occassions, information from my personal phone calls and emails have been portrayed on the Former White Hat blog. What connection does Michael Hemmingson have to the CIA and or military-intelligence agencies to disclose information from my private phone calls? Michael Hemmingson, how does information from private conversations at a friend’s house, a house I know to be “bugged”, a friend who’s family worked for intelligence agencies at Groom Lake, end up on your blog? We pulled the batteries from our cell phones and still multiple conversations between us have been portrayed in pictures and words on your Former White Hat blog? How does information from an email about Chuck Norris, an email I wish I never received, an email I never shared with anybody, find its way onto your Former White Hat blog?

5. What connection does Michael Hemmingson have to Lorien Fenton, the producer of the Super-Soldier Summit? Michael Hemmingson and Lorien Fenton were both supposed to be at The Alchemy Event 2012. Like Michael Hemmingson and Kerry Cassidy, Lorien Fenton has a show on Revolution Radio too. Lorien and Michael were just on a show together in November. Michael has interviewed some of the Super Soldiers from the Super-Soldier Summit as well as others who didn’t attend the summit. Does Lorien Fenton know Michael Hemmingson has tried to discredit the people she invited to the Super-Soldier Summit with his Former White Hat blog? Does she care? Is Lorien an unsuspecting bystander in this twisted game of Michael’s mind?

Note: I’m not attempting an indictment on Kerry Cassidy, Lorien Fenton, or Revolution Radio. I’m trying to get some answers. It is the mission of this objective investigator to get answers to the aforementioned questions.

Michael Hemmingson and Lorien Fenton were at The Alchemy Event 2012 in IRVINE California. I got a message on my blog from the Idyllwildgroup today. I will show later in this post how Michael Hemmingson is behind the Idylwildgroup on WordPress. The Idyllwild comment came from an I.P. address which traced back to Irvine California. How perfect, Michael was in Irvine, California for the Alchemy event, not in San Diego where he lives and his I.P. address usually traces back to.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

[click this screen capture for better viewing]

This screen capture is from Michael Hemmingson’s Facebook. Michael posted this comment in the “about” section of his Facebook page on March 6, 2012. With no coincidences even possible, that is the first day the Former White Hat blog came online. Michael Hemmingson is Former White Hat.

I will post three screen captures of Kerry Cassidy giving props and in some cases a direct link to Michael Hemmingson’s Former White Hat blog. Why does she support the guy trashing and discrediting her own Project Camelot? Can you figure it all out? Does she have a choice? Has Project Camelot been ‘pinched’ by the intelligence agencies?

Kerry says FWH (Former White Hat) Spoofs with A PURPOSE IN MIND. This means she has to know who Former White Has is in order to know he is spoofing with specific intention. Former White Hat is Michael Hemmingson.

These purple screen captures are courtesy of Off Planet Radio. They are both from Kerry Cassidy’s blog. She finds FWH amusing? Why?

Michael Hemmingson

First, let’s look at Michael Hemmingson’s wiki-bio which can be found at: . Michael Hemmingson’s own bio says he writes under the pseudonym Louis Kahn Nin.

As an independent scholar, Hemmingson has written the meditation, Gordon Lish and His Influence on Twentieth Century American Literature (Routledge), a short TV studies monograph on Star Trek (Wayne State Univ. Press), and an ethnographic research project, Zona Norte (Cambridge Scholars).

He is working on a biography of Raymond Carver, set for publication in 2011 by McFarland and Co.

Known pseudonyms

  • Louis Kahn Nin
  • Gabriel Kellgren
  • Kelly Greene
  • John Shade (director of adult films)
  • Hemmingson most likely has published genre work under other names, not known at this time.

I want to add Loose Cannon to the above pseudonyms. You will learn Michael Hemmingson is known as the loose cannon. It should be mentioned, both of his satire blogs, Louis Kahn Nin and Former White Hat call themselves  “loose cannons.”

Here is a link to an interview Michael Hemmingson was part of. He admits writing erotica under different pseudonyms. Here is a portion of the interview:

“Now, all the smut I do is under half a dozen pen names; the only ones under my name are ebook reprints of the Blue Moons. Simply for money, so I have buffer time to work on other things, like a spec screenplay or this Big Novel I have been working on for more than two years, or my memoir of being a wire news service journalist in Tijuana, reporting on the drug cartels and having a baby down there with a woman much younger than me.  The past few years it has been good money, mostly in ebooks, but that has started to taper down after Amazon began to ban and censor books with “certain” taboo themes—made no sense, they took down titles of mine that were moving hundreds of copies a month.”

Again, a screen capture from reveals Michael’s own smut books by his name and his pen names. His list starts with Louis Kahn Nin, then Michael Hemmingson and finishes with books he authored as Dr. Hemmingson.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This screen capture show Michael Hemmingson as a Ph.D.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Next, let’s take a look into Michael Hemmingson’s past. Read the comment below, dated 2009, for further details. In this screen shot Michael writes: “I like to make fake WordPress blogs to slam people — WordPress has the best indexing with Google.”  His current fake WordPress accounts are: and and .

Michael constantly brags about his old nickname, “Loose Cannon.” Louis Kahn Nin and Former White Hat both claim to be “loose cannons.” In this post, Former White Hat shows an image he often uses for his pseudonym Loius Kahn Nin. Former White Hat claims to be known as the “Loose Cannon” in the agency. Here is a link to all the “Loose Cannon” posts by the Former White Hat.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Another screen capture of Michael claiming to be the evil “loose cannon” and more comments of setting up fake YouTube and FaceBook accounts.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This YouTube video will tie Former White Hat to Louis Kahn Nin. From there, I can tie Louis Kahn Nin to Michael Hemmingson.

[click this image to activate video]

Here are two more screen captures from LKN :  One Says, “I am a loose cannon!” This is one of Michael Hemmingson’s favorite quips about himself. Former White Hat as well as Louis Kahn Nin, both pseudonyms of Michael Hemmingson, can be net searched and both of these pseudonyms are self-proclaimed ‘loose cannons’. The picture is taking form and substance, is it not? Here is another link to a WordPress blog catching Michael Hemmingson in the act. This is very well done.

[click the screen capture below to enlarge]

Milab Whore, written by none other than Louis Kahn Nin aka Michael Hemmingson. Why would Michael write smut about the same people he goes to conventions to meet and interviews on the radio? It’s called a pysop, mind control and deception.

Let’s explore the potential connection Michael Hemmingson has to the Temple of Set, a satanic church known to have ties to the Illuminati and the CIA and military intelligence agencies. The Temple Set has regularly been accused of being part of MK Ultra and sexual abuse of children. Michael has co-authored a book with Don Webb, former Grand Master of the Temple of Set. This Amazon link will show the photo of the book which Michael Hemmingson co-authored with Don Webb. On Michael Hemmingson’s wikipedia page, you will see a mention of Don Webb  and on Don Webb’s wikipedia page, you will see a mention of Michael Hemmingson. Peas in a pod?

This is the part where I have to remind the reader, Michael Hemmingson as Former White Hat, does blog posts based on information from my personal email and phone calls. What connection does Michael Hemmingson have to the CIA or military intelligence to get the information to post on the Former White Hat blog?

Below is Michael Hemmingson writing about Don Webb, the former Grand Master of The Temple Set.. He speaks about Webb being a Setian, referring to the Temple of Set.  Don was asking Michael to remove info as Don was trying to get a job at a school. Here is the link to the post.

In this screen capture, Michael says he enjoys being “Louis” referring to Louis Kahn Nin.

This screen shot is from Michael Hemmingson’s Facebook. He wrote about having gone “left” instead of right. Satanism is referred to as “The Left Path.”

Don Webb on the right

Michael co-authored a book with Don Webb

YouTube videos revealing the connection to Temple of Set, a satanic church, mind control, CIA and military intelligence. Click the photos below.

Michael Hemmingson talks about Luciferianism, Levay and Crowley on his radio show. It was recorded on 11/07/2012. Michael’s Former White Hat blog has many posts on Levay and Crowley. The links to Crowley and Levay are below. Below is a video except from that show where he discusses Crowley and Levay. Levay had connections to the Temple of Set.

Former White Hat blog links about Crowley and Levay

Levay  Crowley1 Crowley2 CrowleyAll

[click this image to activate video]

The  Former White Hat says he formed the Idylwildgroup. Here’s a link to his post: .

Below is an excerpt from the link above. Notice Former White Hat states, the 7 Idylwildgroup members are his proteges and he’s “one loose cannon.” Again with the loose cannon.


The Idyllwild Group!

by Former White Hat

It has become apparent to me that after I leave to Hope and then 5D, there will still be much work here to do. My mission will be complete and I cannot remain, nor do I really want to. I have other matters to attend to.

I have decided to form a team that will continue what I have been doing. I call this team The Idyllwild Group, consisting of Plejaran sub-commanders Nellet and Olein, Jgaptel from Zeta Reticuli (a gray), Chenuha from Tau Ceti, Aaron McCollum and two other earth folk yet to be chosen. … … …They will answer only to Semjase, who will dispatch them on missions with or without approval of the Andromeda Council. They might be called rogue at times, without respect for the galactic chain of command, the seven protegé of one loose cannon.

The Idyllwild Group…they will get the job done, no matter what universe, no matter what timeline, no matter what may seem “impossible,” they make possible.

Please check out this screen capture about Michael Hemmingson and the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema. Now we know where he gets his ridiculous Idylwildgroup idea from. The capture even mentions San Diego, where Michael lives. Here are some links from the Former White Hat blog about the Idylwildgroup:

IdylWild1 IdylWild2 IdylWild3 IdylWild4 

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Two more screen shots will show the idwllwildgroup (Michael Hemmingson) leaving a comment my on Clandestine Rage blog. The I.P. trace for the Idyllwildgroup blog comes back San Diego. Where does Michael Hemmingson live? He lives in San Diego.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This next screen capture will show Former White Has is Louis Kahn Nin. One again he calls himself a “loose cannon” as usual. His I.P. address traces back to San Diego. This is where Michael Hemmingson lives.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Here is  Former White Hat or Louis Kahn Nin’s I.P. trace provided by

Here is another screen capture of Former White Hat. Michael forgets to log onto WordPress with his Former White Hat email. He exposed himself as Louis Kahn Nin. I’ve repeatedly proved Michael Hemmingson is Louis Kahn Nin. This clip is complete with his Louis Kahn Nin email (possibly fake email)  and another I.P. address tracing back to San Diego. He almost makes it too easy. Remember, Michael Hemmingson’s own wiki-bio and profile clearly state he writes as Louis Kahn Nin. From this screen shot, I can once again tie Former White Hat to Louis Kahn Nin to Michael Hemmingson.

The Thomas Pynchon connection is the next place I shall take the reader. Michael Hemmingson appears to have a great love of the literary style and methods of a man known as Thomas Pynchon. Michael writes book reviews drawing comparisons to Pynchon. The photo Michael uses for his Louis Kahn Nin pseudonym is of  young Thomas Pynchon. You can do a Google image search for Thomas Pynchon and find several images of this writer, including the photo Michael Hemmingson uses for his Louis Kahn Nin pseudonym. You can do a Google search for Michael Hemmingson + Pynchon and find many sites tagged with both names.

This is Thomas Pynchon.

 Thomas Pynchon. Does it look Familiar?

Yet another screen capture of yet another Michael Hemmingson blog on WordPress. Again, he uses the Thomas Pynchon photo for his avatar.

You can find these photos at Louis Kahn Nin’s Facebook. Remember, I’ve clearly shown you Michael Hemmingson is Louis Kahn Nin. The photos above are Louis Kahn Nin’s Facebook screen capture. The link is .

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Another round of screen captures show Michael Hemmingson’s book reviews which mention Pynchon. He even uses the phrase “loose cannon” in of the reviews.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

This second review by Michael Hemmingson mentions Pynchon and he even uses his favorite phrase, “Loose Cannon” too.

[click this screen capture to enlarge for better viewing]

Michael Hemmingson, Former White Hat, Louis Kahn Nin, Loose Cannon, it’s over. You aren’t getting out of this, you can’t. You got sloppy, Michael Hemmingson, very sloppy. I’m sure your intelligence handlers will have to take some action, won’t they Michael? You owe a lot of people an explanation and an apology. The picture has been drawn thoroughly. The connections are clear. Whatever military-intelligence agency is using you as a low-level minion should re-consider and drop you as an asset. You’ve been found out Michael Hemmingson and you can’t do anything about it. Michael Hemmingson, you ARE Former White Hat. Kerry Cassidy KNOWS you are Former White Hat. I’ll ask you once again, Michael Hemmingson, where did you get the information from my email accounts and phone calls you put on your Former White Hat blog?  You can no longer hide you are connected to the intelligence agencies, so you might as well just go away. Leave the MK Ultra survivors and dis-closers alone! Perhaps some of the former-government assassins etc. you’ve attempted, but failed to discredit, will come looking for you. I think they all have questions for you Michael Hemmingson. I’m not mad at you Michael, but enough is enough. I won’t come looking for you Michael, I promise. Michael, you are behind the Idyllwildgroup, the Former White Hat blog and you are Louis Kahn Nin. Michael, perhaps try doing something decent for a change. I hope the intelligence agencies don’t decide to eliminate you, Michael. We all know what happens when one of their own makes a mistake or become useless to them. The body counts add up fast, I know, I was programmed and trained since 5 years of age to eliminate people the intelligence agencies found sloppy, useless or a threat. Best wishes Michael and happy holidays.

P.S. Something tells me, you don’t know what a loose cannon really is.

Clandestine Rage.

Former White Hat = Fraud ♦ Theidylwildgroup = Fraud

Khris Speaks

Volume LVXII



Forward: I’m truly sorry to have to expose the readers of this blog to another round of this. Since certain independent media agencies have been re-posting Former White Hat’s writings as legitimate, I feel forced to remind the world who this fraud is! Any individual or organization reporting FWH’s information from the blog-o-sphere or from private messages he’s sent as realistic or truth, need to have their heads examined.

Former White Hat, A.K.A. Louis Kahn Nin, is not a white hat, dark hat nor any type of dis-closer or whistle blower. He’s an ass-hat. He’s a satire-pushing degenerate. Normally I wouldn’t engage in name calling, but this bag-worm needs exposed for what he is. He gets information peddled to him by the alphabet boys. Information from people’s private emails are often exploited and satirized. He exploits people who’ve been used-and-abused in the government’s black-budget projects. He can’t go 5D; he doesn’t go off-planet. His information is silly-human-nonsense. He is nobody important in the global tussle against the dark lords. AVOID his blogs and prosper!

Former White Hat  A.K.A Louis Kahn Nin’s blogs are full of fake insights, nonsense and satire. His information and writings are deception-in-action. Neither of these blogs are to be taken seriously: and . When you visit these blogs, please make sure to leave a comment about his lies and deception; please let him know clandestine rage sent you! Neither of FWH’s (Former White Hat) blogs are legitimate. They are to be avoided. Any person, group, organization or entity re-posting information from either of the aforementioned blogs as fact or truth deserve to be considered illegitimate in the independent media/disclosure realm. Any news agency, internet-based or otherwise, posting information from Former White Hat, should be considered defunct.

Here is one of Louis Kahn Nin’s novellas! How nice of him to write about a woman who’s been a MILAB and call her a whore and a nympho. Are you still interesting in supporting his lies? Are the any MILAB’s out there accepting information from FWH as truth? Please re-think your position. Don’t get hurt; only fools rush in!

Louis Kahn Nin – No it’s not his photo, but he uses it. We have to assume Louis Kahn Nin is another fake name.

For a great article about his lies and deception, please go to:

Here is one of my YouTube videos exposing FWH as Louis Kahn Nin:

You may need to click this image to activate video

Here are two other blogs exposing the truth about FORMER WHITE HAT:

His books are published here:

Former White Hat is Louis Khan Nin. Louis Khan Nin writes novelettes degrading women. Please review the photo below to get an idea who Former White Hat (Mad Hatter) is.


My Quip on New-Age Doctrine ♦ Channeled Messages ♦ NESARA

Khris Speaks
Volume LXVI



I don’t mean to be an a-hole, but I’ve got some fire in my belly tonight.  Myself as well as many other people who are on this planet from another place have been prepared for centuries to take on the coming war in 3D. This is a diplomatic-mission to assist the Earth. Sadly, people are being misled from nefarious sources about many subjects. This blog post will address some of those subjects. You don’t have to agree, I don’t expect everybody to agree. Be wary of channeled information at all times. NESARA is a pipe dream.

The Post:

Hello, might I momentarily interrupt your ascension with this important announcement? (Humor, just a little humor)

Since you have enough time-resources to criticize what you feel goes against your new-age beliefs and spiritual concepts, please allow me a few moments to redress your accusations and self-delusions. You’re frequent comments of: “That’s too negative”,”You’re spreading fear” and my most favorite, “You Won’t Ascend”, do you and humanity more injustice with each passing day. You don’t have to be afraid of my message. You could open your heart chakra and realize there’s a problem and perhaps decide to take a few moments and ask for divine intervention and then go on with the rest of your day.

As a courtesy in the future, please don’t waste your precious, highly-evolved energies trying to instruct me on what I shouldn’t say or write. It is part of my service and purpose on the planet to write about my experiences of over 30 years in the ultra-black government projects. I am doing what I am supposed to do. Please all me some further explanation.

I would think you’d desire to help negative conditions. Don’t pass over a condition which you could help because your feel it is to ‘negative’ or it will affect your energies. Did you know your ascension is partly mechanical? You have a causal body. The causal body contains all the constructively qualified energy and substance you’ve ever used. When the causal body can hold no more positive energy and substance, the ascension can be commanded. If the causal body becomes devoid and all the constructive energy is drained by destructive activities, then the second-death may be commanded. There is more than the causal body at play in the ascension process, but this is rarely if ever mentioned. You can only gain momentum towards your ascension by helping out in negative or destructive conditions, not being too spiritual or too holy to care.

You’re here to help the children and the planet; You’re not here to say, ‘I can’t get involved in that because it’s too negative’. You’re in an embodiment to get involved. Don’t say, ‘If I acknowledge that, I’ll blow my ascension’. Helping only aids in your spiritual advancement, not halts it. How much more twisted can the current channeled doctrines become?

You don’t have to take everything into yourselves. You don’t  have to get absorbed in destructive activities. You don’t need to get in bed at night and cry yourselves to sleep. You don’t have to let the details of horrific events and happenings in the world bring you despair. You don’t have to get depressed or allow fear to rush into your emotional bodies. You don’t have to put yourself in danger. Nobody is asking your to internalize the destruction taking place on this planet. You can still help and be positive without becoming negative. You can help without becoming destructive yourself or stepping off your spiritual path.

So many of the new-age people are deceived by the channeled messages coming from the highest councils in the universe. It’s not happening people.  The majority of these channeled messages are fake. The government goons have set up the channeling gig with brain implants,satellites and other electronic methods. The channeled messages are as scripted as a television program. There are undoubtedly a few legitimate messages channeled from time-to-time. New age crowd, learn some discernment! The new-age concepts have become nothing more than cheap spiritualism and it has gone on too long. Did you ever notice the channeled messages contain general, non-helpful content, full of empty promises? Have you noticed you never receive any kind of applicable instruction to help others, yourself or the planet. You always get channeled messages about the crops of the future and promises of trust funds, new glorious bodies, and last, but not least, your ascension. You’re promised gift-after-gift and more prosperity than your minds can conceive. You’ll seldom find a message from the channeled ascended beings or higher intelligences offering ways to assist and heal the planet and her people. Ever notice your ascension is like the mirage in a desert? Your ascensions will take place on the next solar eclipse, the next big planetary alignment, this date and that date, yet they never do. Well, here we are, almost sixty years into the new-age movement and guess what, YOU’RE STILL HERE IN 3D; YOU’RE STILL IN LIMITATION! You’re still the same as you were when you were drunk and naked at Woodstock! You’re not in a glorious new body! Did you know in the ascended, exalted state, you are master over all conditions? You don’t need a body! You don’t need food! You don’t need MONEY, trust funds, a treasury debit card and all the other promises which have never come to pass! If you’re ascended, those things would be as simple as breathing. If you’re waiting for NESARA, then why are you waiting for ascension? You can’t have both. If you’re ascending, then you don’t need the f**King money! Figure it out people, before it’s too late.

Take five or ten minutes, acknowledge and attempt to assist or heal a condition. Acknowledge people who are suffering and in distress. In your own way, attempt to do something POSITIVE to assist a negative condition. Children are dying, people are starving and a million other pains afflict this tiny planet. You can’t solve them all  on your own and surely you won’t have the resources to assist in all circumstances. Don’t be a victim of the Illuminati new-age programming they’ve drawn you into. You’re not here to sit on the couch, gobble down a package of Oreo Cookies, drink diet cola and count the hours until the moment of your ascension. Don’t be fooled into that doctrine. You’re not here to DO NOTHING because you are ascending! Just think it through. Find some beneficial activity, some small notion to help. Perhaps it will be fruitful, perhaps you will falter. Your intention to help and heal are just as important as anything else. Perhaps you can do some prayers, some decrees, mantras, some healing work, send a web-link to a friend or relative, ask for divine dispensations to halt evil activities, learn Reiki or another healing system, notify a congressman by email or postal service. Many of these are small things which may not lead to big breakthroughs for the people of this planet. Turning your nose up and saying ‘It’s too bad these things are happening, but It’s too negative for my spirituality’ is a weak cop-out.

Part 2

NESARA ♦ Sovereignty ♦  Freedom Documents ♦ Commercial Processes ♦ 1099 OID’s ♦ WHFIT ♦ Bonds ♦ UCC Filings, ♦ A4V’s

It’s too late to study these processes and they won’t give you the freedom you desire!

Sending a registered package to the the pope and the United Nations can never give you the ‘sovereignty’ your spirit desires. Sending documents to the IRS with a $50.00 stamp from China will not free you from the chains that bind. I do not intend to be a critic of people who’ve studied the UCC and the commercial system as they have awoken many people about the corruption and educated themselves at the same time. It’s just time to be frank about where we are in the scheme of things. You’re Gods and Goddesses who’ve lost your memory and lost your footing. Filing papers and drafting bonds will not return your to your eternal source. Your 1099-OID’s got many of you thrown into prison. Your WHFIT (widely held fixed investment trust) flopped miserably. Your Tim Turner bonds and freedom documents are no longer mentioned. Is he still the president? Your UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings have cost you a fortune and how many of you have had any results worth mentioning? You’re a4v’s are essentially disregarded as frivolous trash by the agencies you mail them too. You’ve written ‘closed checks’, notified people you have ‘power of attorney general’ and you are still as enslaved as everybody else is. Obama is not going to announce NESARA. Did you honestly believe, with all your heart, you were going to receive $100,000.00 dollars per month for 11 years from NESARA? Do you think all your debt will be offset or discharged? It’s too late to do any further study on commercial processes; the big bad wolf is knocking at the door. The problems in the global system of politics, finance etc. cannot be solved politically or by drafting documents. We’re in a spiritual war. NESARA IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

P.S. The Illuminati are not negotiating their surrender. Lord Rothschild himself and the rest of the cabal do not have their hands in the air, ready to be arrested at a moments notice. Some of the beings in or controlling the ‘cabal’ aren’t even human. Where are you going to put them? Prison? Let’s put on our big boy and big girl pants and be adults. Enough is truly enough! Oh yeah, trust me on this final thought; the check is NOT in the mail; but it’s the greatest lie ever told!


David Petraeus – WTF?

Khris Speaks

Volume LXV

Forward: I drafted this blog post two days ago when the story broke. I waited until today to hit the post button. I feel there is a message hidden within the  story. Read between the lines as always. The yellow brick road is a dangerous path.

CIA director, David Petraeus, resigns his post over an affair. I don’t normally use this blog for political means as this county has no political or social solution to its troubles in my opinion, which has no humbleness. The CIA director resigned because he had an affair. This is the agency which mind controlled and experimented on innocent and unsuspecting people. This is the same agency which tortured me as a child and programmed me to be an assassin for them since childhood. This is the same agency which destroyed documents relating to mind control in the 1970’s. This is the same agency which overthrows entire countries and it’s current director, David Petraeus, resigns because he and some bimbo shared a glass of wine and romped in some hotel? I find it interesting he waited until after the election to ask the president to accept his resignation.Was he waiting to see if Obama was going to be re-elected or did the re-election cause him to be forced out of his position? I feel certain there is more to this breaking news. There is a lot of posturing going in on the military ranks. With this resignation, Patraeus doesn’t have to testify before congress about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. How convenient for Patraeus to resign and not have to speak on how the president allegedly allowed the attacks to happen because a military response would put a dark cloud on the re-election campaign. I smell a stinker here, a real rank stinker. People are people, they have affairs, they make decisions which hurt themselves and others. They don’t quit the top position at the CIA! This article is not intended to be a hit piece, but I’m calling bull sh*t on the timing. Timing is very important in politics. I suspect the weasel will go POP real soon.



CIA Director David Petraeus resigned his post on Friday, confessing to having shown “extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair.” The former Army general rocketed to global prominence as the man in charge of the “surge” in Iraq and later the commander of American forces in Afghanistan.

President Barack Obama said Petraeus had led the Central Intelligence Agency “with characteristic intellectual rigor, dedication and patriotism.”

“I am completely confident that the CIA will continue to thrive and carry out its essential mission, and I have the utmost confidence in Acting Director Michael Morell and the men and women of the CIA who work every day to keep our nation safe,” the president said in a written statement.

“Going forward, my thoughts and prayers are with Dave and Holly Petraeus, who has done so much to help military families through her own work. I wish them the very best at this difficult time,” Obama continued.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issued a statement that did not specify a reason for Petraeus’ departure but praised his colleague extensively.

“From his long, illustrious Army career to his leadership at the helm of CIA, Dave has redefined what it means to serve and sacrifice for one’s country,” said Clapper.

Petraeus went to work as CIA chief in September 2011 after heading up the war in Afghanistan. He had drawn fire in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack on the American compound in Benghazi, Libya. His departure comes barely a week before he was scheduled to testify about the assault in closed-door sessions with the intelligence committees of the Senate and House of Representatives. Morell was expected to take his place, congressional aides said.

Petraeus’ resignation letter, quoted by several news outlets, centered on his personal behavior.

“Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours,” he said. “This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.”

Petraeus, 60, has been described as the father of the military’s counterinsurgency doctrine. The charismatic officer had been cited as a possible future presidential or vice presidential prospect.

His wife, Holly, has worked inside the Obama administration, serving at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of Petraeus’ most outspoken admirers, said the general “will stand in the ranks of America’s greatest military heroes.”

“His inspirational leadership and his genius were directly responsible—after years of failure—for the success of the surge in Iraq,” McCain said in a statement. “Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.”

In a statement, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, said, “I very much regret the resignation of David Petraeus. This is an enormous loss for our nation’s intelligence community and for our country.

“I wish President Obama had not accepted this resignation, but I understand and respect the decision,” Feinstein added.–politics.html